Example sentences of "she [verb] [adv prt] to an " in BNC.

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1 She stood looking after him for a moment ; then she dropped on to an upturned box , and bending her head into the folds of flesh under her chin , she asked of herself why she had to do this .
2 Under Allen 's guidance she climbed on to an oak that grew by the ford , clambered along a branch , and swung easily into a chestnut .
3 She walked over to an outhouse which , in comparison with the rest of the place , looked extremely tidy in that on the shelves were arrayed different tools of all shapes and sizes ; and on the walls , hanging from nails , was all the accoutrement that went to the dressing of a horse : collars , bridles , saddles , some stiffened with age , others looking usable .
4 Dorothy George , after describing the " roastbeef " of old England , retained her rose-coloured spectacles as she went on to an extraordinarily generous view of the Poor Law .
5 She had seen her , and now she wanted to go , before she gave in to an impulse and started asking her questions about Elaine .
6 Her mouth dry with urgency , she ran up to an ambulanceman , shouting in Spanish , ‘ Can I help ?
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