Example sentences of "she [verb] [vb pp] through [art] " in BNC.

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1 It had echoed after she 'd left him , as she 'd turned into the archway in the wall and passed through the shrubbery of azaleas and magnolias and tree mallows , as she 'd passed through the drawing-room and the hall .
2 She 'd got through a call to him on the radio-phone that Kaptan was safe .
3 She 'd rifled through the contents of her wardrobe twice , groaning disgustedly as she discounted one garment after another .
4 She 'd breezed through the courts , faking numbskull stupidity , and come out clean .
5 French was tough going for Anna , but she had ploughed through the correspondence of Rilke and Lou Andreas-Salomé , and Freud and Lawrence of Arabia .
6 She had detoured through the town 's central square on the way home and had sat down on a bench , raising her head to the trees .
7 Being cradled against her mother 's soft warm body , Dot tried to feel like a baby , to remember what she had seen through the crack in the double doors as Gloria had cradled Baby against her while the nurses gathered round with protective outstretched arms .
8 Some were recognisably of those she had seen through the windows .
9 She had seen through the glass booth how flustered I was .
10 Two months ago on an innocent April afternoon , yet already she had lived through a lifetime of sorrow .
11 Earlier this year , she had pushed through a bumper privatisation bill and won the IMF 's support for Poland 's reforms by keeping this year 's budget deficit to a reasonable 5% of GDP .
12 She knew very little about surgery and nothing about childbirth , but she had a fund of common sense , and the moment she had pushed through the useless , wailing women downstairs , and seen the squalid room in which Dr Neil was working , she had begun to dredge up what little she knew in order to help him .
13 Then she had descended through the familiar outer layers of Dreamspace , and faded in on the bus .
14 Before her mother 's house she had gone through a winter in a squat that had no heating at all .
15 ‘ I wondered if she had gone through the same situation and if she had got into the car . ’
16 I wondered if she had gone through the same situation and if she had got into the car .
17 Each month , for as long as Peter could remember , she had gone through the bank statement and done the accounts .
18 She had passed through a few rooms .
19 The weight in his heart seemed to have tethered him to the pavement , and he had to force himself to turn away , and some seconds after she had disappeared through the doorway .
20 As soon as she had disappeared through the front doorway , Jessamy swung round to face Julius .
21 Yes , your worships I wonder if I may assist the court o on behalf of er M Mrs erm Mrs er has told me that she thought at the time of the incident again was in fact , nearer to five o'clock than than , than four thirty and she was driving from Billington towards Clitheroe she had come through the traffic lights at the bottom of Accrington Road in Worley and she was proceeding along King Street in Worley er , towards towards Clitheroe and sh she has told me that at the time there was a considerable amount of traffic on the road and yo i in fact had that confirmed to you by er , my friend er the the traffic was sufficiently heavy that in fact , the the traffic travelling in the direction of Blackburn er was wai was backed up to the traffic lights as far as the zebra crossing and beyond it and so as Mrs erm was travelling towards Clitheroe her view of the children on the footpath at the opposite side of the road was obstructed by the cars that were er , travelling towards Blackburn .
22 She remembered her fear for this man 's life , the way she had fled through the castle to warn him , her useless defiance of Matilda 's wrath and the threat hanging over her head if she refused to co-operate with the Empress .
23 She had scrambled through the middle years of the decade .
24 By the end of that evening , after she had sat through a dinner in the large school refectory , listened to Madame Chardin 's opening speech of the term and lain in the dark listening to her new roommates , Katherine did indeed begin to feel if not at home , then at least marginally more comfortable .
25 And once in the harbour , she can unload all she 's got through the sea-gate . ’
26 She 's come through the operation very well .
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