Example sentences of "she [verb] [adv] for the " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Chalk was nowhere to be found , so she made straight for the medicine cupboard in the spacious Georgian-style kitchen with its enormous , old-fashioned white-painted cupboards and scrubbed-elm table , and located the painkillers , swallowing the dosage with water before setting about making the tea .
2 Turning from him , she made quickly for the door .
3 She realised now for the first time that she had left her purse behind in Edward 's room .
4 He stood for a moment laughing at her as she cast furiously for the vanished rabbit , and walked on , to catch her up , along the raised embankment .
5 After pulling on her clothes , she headed downstairs for the perfunctory glass of orange-juice which served as breakfast .
6 She headed straight for the coffee-pot .
7 She came across for the first time today , I was out egg yard getting some eggs
8 In her decoration ‘ Lilith ’ ( Museum Boymans-van Beuningen , Rotterdam — watercolour sketch at the Tate Gallery ) it is as if she has taken one of these nudes and stood her against a tree , where , with arms wrapped around her head and one leg twisted into the other she writhes provocatively for the pleasure of the viewer .
9 Unfortunately , little is known about her life , however , it is understood that she worked regularly for the National Geographic magazine , for whom she did some of their earliest published colour photography .
10 She was not a violent demonstrator as a suffragette but she worked hard for the women 's vote , and at times vociferously at public meetings .
11 Trembling , she reached backward for the telephone .
12 As she washed , she listened tensely for the sounds of movement .
13 Now she listened eagerly for the word , and felt a twinge of disappointment whenever she heard ‘ dear ’ or ‘ Clare ’ instead , fearing that he had fallen out of love since the last ‘ darling ’ .
14 She went home for the first time after twelve weeks … but she 's been in and out of the unit constantly ever since .
15 She spoke truthfully for the first time and said she had n't any more of it — which was a direct admission that she had had it in the first place .
16 What she did she did clearly for the benefit of her daughter who was unwell , as any normal natural mother would in the circumstances .
17 As the band left the stage ( she appeared only for the encore ) they could n't find her and panicked , thinking she 'd hated the show and gone home .
18 To Wilson , they all seemed to be in a fever and like any good nurse she waited anxiously for the point of crisis , more concerned about the fate of Mrs Browning than about that of Italy .
19 She ran successfully for the Vice-Presidentship of the Student Union .
20 Her work for the early suffrage campaigns also began in the mid-1870s , when she lectured widely for the cause in London , Manchester , Birmingham , and elsewhere .
21 Mrs Stych wrung her hands behind the reporter 's back , and wished passionately she could run home to Mother on the pig farm ; she longed suddenly for the smell of hens and milk , for a place where nobody had to keep up appearances or be other than what they were .
22 Memories of the marathon " sew-in " before she left home for the International Youth Congress could not have failed to bring a smile to Eva 's lips , or those of her sisters , if they could have seen her stitching away patiently and efficiently on a hand-driven sewing machine .
23 She groped blindly for the door-knob , her glossy head bent .
24 She stayed indoors for the rest of the summer , lying on her bed , trying to read .
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