Example sentences of "she [verb] tell [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She tried to tell him with her eyes as he advanced , hands balled into fists , but he did n't understand .
2 ‘ No , she said not , and although I think that virtually everything she has told us about herself is a pack of lies I do n't think she 's lying about that . ’
3 She 'd told him about the looks aimed at her by Adam 's teachers .
4 He was far more suspicious of her now than he had been before she 'd told him about Dana , and he still thought she was Garry 's lover .
5 Of all the people in the world to expose her seething mass of fears and insecurities to , Guy Sterne would have been her last choice … yet she 'd told him about Mortimer , she 'd carelessly made him a gift of her virginity , she 'd wildly announced she loved him , and now she was baring her soul over the painful anguish of her mother 's death …
6 Even here , she seemed to tell him in her silence , there could be some small love for another sufferer , for a baby .
7 All she forgot to tell you about was the killing of forty-seven Jews . ’
8 Soon she began telling me of a tasteless fellow-passenger of hers who , at this time the day before , had kept his nose buried in Doctor Zhivago while they flew in exquisite weather over the Gulf of Corinth .
9 On impulse , she decided to tell him of her discoveries at the belvedere and the conclusions she had drawn from them .
10 Would she have told it in a different way ?
11 The very thought had crossed his mind only the day before , when he contemplated giving up doctoring , as she kept telling him to .
12 ‘ Well , she did tell me in a way .
13 She knew she had to tell somebody about what had happened with the glass .
14 She quickly finished all she had to tell me about my errands .
15 He was watching Charles closely , as if afraid that he would not be believed , when he came to describe the meeting with Maureen O'Duffy and what she had told them during the drive down the mountain .
16 From her own questioning she had made sure that Mr Miller bought only the best puppies from reliable breeders and , in turn , she had told him of her own circumstances .
17 She complained bitterly about her husband being so confused and his always forgetting what she had told him without having any insight into her own ability to confuse him and other people .
18 Chantal 's strange reaction after she had told him about Philippe Chaumont .
19 Memories came rushing back of the night when Johnny had described this room ; the night she had told him about the time hiccup .
20 Mitch asked after she had told him about Devlin Parnham 's orders .
21 She had told him about her broken engagement and how deeply hurt and wary she had felt after it .
22 She had told him in no uncertain terms , on more than one occasion , that she wanted no more to do with him .
23 ‘ Of all the things I was taught at school , this sticks in my mind more that anything , ’ said Christine Cooper when she wrote to tell us of her reaction to an article in MKM. that was last spring when we published a newsletter from Christine Morey telling of her adventures in Romania .
24 She sent Gwenellen to sit with him , because she wanted to tell me about a telephone call from General Francis .
25 Indeed , she would have liked to tell him about her father who was called Nigger Everard at school and spurned in his own family because his mother had been Creole ; she wanted to tell him about Feeny whom she loved ; how she herself was a musty , could n't he see it ?
26 It was particularly annoying because she wanted to tell him about Henry 's suggestion .
27 She wanted to say that not only was that ridiculous but it was dangerous , she wanted to tell him about the frightening minutes in the maze of old Nice .
28 Did n't he realize how much she wanted to tell him about Aunt Emily 's magical generosity and her own longing to have done more for her while she lived — ?
29 She wanted to tell them about her , to share her ghosts with them , to beg from them some mutual memory , some working-class wisdom .
30 She 's told me about your accident yesterday , but I gather that 's not what 's troubling you ? ’
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