Example sentences of "she [verb] be in [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Was that how she would have felt if she 'd been in her position ?
2 She 'd been in his company for less than a minute , and already they were sparring .
3 She is a much more down-to-earth person than Madeline Vesey Neroni , and supports her husband through thick and thin , always doing what she feels is in his best interest .
4 But Lamprey had been as courteous as if she had been in her father 's drawing-room .
5 Diana insisted that she had been in her apartment , exhausted after a late night at the Ritz hotel where she and Prince Charles had attended Princess Margaret 's 50th birthday party .
6 She was now 15lb ( 7kg ) heavier than she had been in her single days ; she felt tired and run down , and suffered with migraines , abdominal bloating and increasing premenstrual symptoms including irritability , nervous tension , depression , tearfulness , confusion , weight gain , sore breasts and insomnia .
7 She had been in her mid-forties , a smart , efficient-looking woman who had hardly taken her eyes off him throughout the trial .
8 She was his servant , whatever she had been in her previous life , and she was ten or more years younger than himself , and what a battered old soldier he was , to be hungering after such a fresh young girl .
9 She had been in her cottage waiting for the return of Tom and Carrie when a villager ran past shouting news of the fire and she had turned out to help .
10 Rupert had never met Everard 's mother , but remembering his own mother and how comforting she had been in his childhood illnesses he was immediately reassured .
11 They had walked quite some miles , she realised on the return journey , and she had been in his company for quite some while , so it came as no surprise to also realise how totally unsuited she was for the job she was there to do .
12 Only then did she realise that , for all she had been in his company for a total of several hours now , she still did n't know the first thing about him .
13 Nervous , perhaps , on edge maybe , because it seemed to her that she would have to keep her wits about her unless she wanted this outing to end up as fruitless as the other times she had been in his company .
14 But she had been in his strong arms before , and as agitation at her own weakness assailed her , so , while she still could , she fought to be free .
15 " She was taken ill yesterday , " Mrs. Butler said , " and she 's been in her room ever since .
16 She 's been in my room you know , I bet you .
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