Example sentences of "she [verb] [interj] i [am/are] " in BNC.

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1 Like in the derm , I mean the dorm , dorm and she goes oh I 'm going out with Tim are you impressed .
2 I says that 's got ta be Warren , it could n't be anybody else , so when I come down I went off like , well I tell ya I ca n't do it , so I knew it was so I picked up the wrong she says oh I 'm just ringing because you can see what the weather is she says and you could n't go and do a day in erm , with your
3 She says yeah I 'm sure we did
4 Cos we could have somebody in to help that 's all I 'm thinking if she says yeah I 'm sure you could get something from
5 He says are you called a Geordie she says no I 'm a Mackem he says what 's a Mackem ?
6 I said oh I 'm afraid he died , he was cremated on Friday , she said ooh I am sorry
7 So , so so I said well we 'll go to the N E C or Sheffi she said oh I 'm not traipsing all that way , you know , just for the concert .
8 She said oh I 'm sorry she said .
9 My , my sister- in-law , she w had to go in just before Christmas , had to rather suddenly she 's was diagnosed in the summer as having diverticulitis and they planned a sort of diet out to keep her really well and she was in terrible pain and they rushed her off for a scan and er she goes privately cos Vernon , I think actually his is BUPA that he 's in , he joined when it first came out and she wrote to me and she said oh I 'm , I just feel so lonely , there 's nobody to talk to , I 've got nobody to see or anything and she felt a bit cos she was n't really that ill
10 it is , I said I 've given you a lot of time in the holidays and what have you come in and now you 're making a big song and dance about an hour and she said oh I 'm sorry I did n't mean to speak to you like that , but she did , she was just plain rude and really quite nasty , eh she should of yeah , and she should of told me that I was n't , becomes taking a lunch break and then she said well you could of taken half an hour , I said you did n't tell me well I said to her Matt rung up this morning and said to you , surveyor 's coming up to , at four o'clock , he wants both of us to be there so we know which way the windows will be and all the rest of it , just bear in mind , now I said to her I know it 's short notice but can I please go at four o'clock , she said yeah it is short notice but yeah no problem come in at eight o'clock tomorrow morning as a joke and then she totally changed her attitude when she came back from her thing mm yeah oh yeah that was nice of her well I said to her , I said to her oh I said to her look she would take
11 Yeah I mean when I saw her round the park she said oh I 'm really enjoying it this
12 they 're join , doing joints and that , you know , er I mean , tha tha Sheila , she said oh I 'm not interested at all in doing mortars and tenons or
13 She said oh I 'm ever so sorry , she said perhaps it 's your mother , I said no I said she was alive and kicking as well the last time I saw her so
14 that 's what I 'd guessed , erm , so I said no , I said they 're fine , so she said oh I 'm ever so sorry I said do n't be I said these sort of things get around , I mean it 's , she kept go and then I went on to describe how I virtually done not too a dissimilar thing going up the road trying to talk to people about writing in to object , you know with this planning application and erm , I said I sort of knock on someone 's door up there and I thought it was the next door that the husband had died and it was that one
15 She said no I 'm in work .
16 yeah , they 'll be , and she 's always moaning driving Sue up the wall , why should I keep him blah , blah , blah , blah , doing nothing , we sit and look at each other and Sue said for Christ sake she said you 're twenty years old , not forty , she 'd been bad on and off again , throat , well she had the shoulder , throat er she thought she had , oh the diabetes was one were n't it , diabetes one , they thought she had , thought that she had glandular fever but she has n't and er , so Sue said to her well are you looking after yourself and she said yes I am , Sue said well I du n no she never seems to be , cos she 's never been well has she really ?
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