Example sentences of "she [verb] [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But she had been in his strong arms before , and as agitation at her own weakness assailed her , so , while she still could , she fought to be free .
2 ‘ Does she want to be brilliant ? ’
3 Neither did she want to be alone with him in the dark .
4 She spoke at intervals about moving herself and Marcus out of the flat ( which she agreed to be horrid ) perhaps to another flat or to some vaguely envisaged country cottage .
5 Well , I think at first they were both afraid to become music specialists , but she knows so much now — good contemporary pop music , not just my music — that she wants to be involved with it and she refuses to be professionally involved unless she has expert knowledge .
6 She wants to be perfect for Don , ’ said the friend .
7 What I ca n't understand is who she thanks when she wants to be thankful , for example when her son was born .
8 cos my sister , yeah , she wants to be responsible , she wants to be a scientist
9 She wants to be able to go ahead with their plans for a family even if he dies .
10 She wants to be careful if the Japs do n't come to Pearl Harbour again .
11 ‘ Perhaps you were the sun for your little dragon ; and now she is strong enough , she wants to be free . ’
12 She does n't want any up , she wants to be happy with , I mean Jane out of all them I mean normally I mean she 's , she would do anything for you .
13 She tried to be rational .
14 She tried to be casual .
15 She tried to be polite .
16 Karen was a magnificent bitch , but when she tried to be human she turned into a Disney puppy : trashy , vulgar and sentimental .
17 It was n't that she had ever made a conscious decision to play the helpless female ; she just always looked as though she was in constant need of care and attention , and over the years she had found that it was far easier to allow people to think what they liked , because whenever she tried to be assertive , or explain that she was really quite competent , no one ever believed her .
18 When she tried to be cheerful she ended up flustered and red-faced , clammy all over .
19 She pretended to be asleep .
20 Sheila , a year younger still , was too self-centred and bright ever to challenge authority on poor ground and she pretended to be sick in order to escape the tension of the day .
21 She pretended to be busy dealing with her correspondence but she did not see the letters she appeared to be looking at .
22 Through her handling techniques she has to be able to control and inhibit the abnormal tonus or tension in the patient 's affected muscles .
23 But where more intensive support is required , over a longer period , he or she needs to be able to put the patient into contact with a relevant mutual aid group , befriending scheme , counselling service , or psychiatric crisis support scheme .
24 She was quietly , in a place called Peddeston , she 's chucked a travel ticket , it 's a bit much for her to do , big tough training and that sort of thing , but hopefully she 'll pass her test in the near future , and all she needs to be able to do is get her rise so she can afford to make up .
25 What constitutes , for me , a virtuous woman … a decent woman … has nothing to do with how many sexual partners she may have had , or whether or not she happens to be single or married .
26 We are indebted to Beumont et al for having grasped the nettle in laying down the grade at which a girl or woman can expect to be respected as a climber and transcend the status defined by ‘ bimbo , ’ i.e. interesting only if she happens to be pretty .
27 She longed , oh , she burned to be able to tell him the truth , but Ace 's threats held ; also by the way Mike was looking at her at the moment he probably would n't believe her if she told him the truth about their relationship .
28 Cleo Sinister possessed neither of these qualities , nor did she appear to be familiar with other desirable attributes such as obedience , silence and the possession of gentle manners .
29 She refuses to be ornamental and will not go with her husband on state trips that do not interest her .
30 Perhaps the best course was simply to come clean — to explain how she came to be involved in the case , and enlist Veronica 's help ?
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