Example sentences of "she [verb] [pron] must have " in BNC.

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1 Staring at her reflection , she realised she must have lost weight .
2 And as for being six pound up , she says I must have short-changed someone .
3 She says he must have been released early , and she 's dreading him coming to see her and demanding his parents ’ address .
4 It was hard to be certain but she was pretty sure he had n't , and she imagined she must have assumed he was on duty at the hospital .
5 She reckoned there must have been as many as four hundred of them .
6 She thought they must have looked ridiculous , two people over thirty surreptitiously clawing at each other through layer upon layer of raincoat , wool and cotton .
7 For a second she thought they must have turned the other way , and then she saw them again , riding through the trees , the sunlight striking them before they moved off into the shadows .
8 The house was more modern than she had expected — at a guess , she thought it must have been built between the wars .
9 Piers turned around to face her , and for a split second his glance swept over her with appreciation , but the moment was gone so quickly that she thought she must have imagined it .
10 She thought I must have died in the previous night 's snowstorm .
11 Afterwards , she knew she must have imagined the words and the kiss .
12 She tossed her head defiantly , and just for a moment saw a flicker of something in his eyes before it was gone so fast that she knew she must have imagined it .
13 He stopped abruptly , and she knew he must have looked up and seen her .
14 She felt she must have seen it in a dream .
15 She felt he must have a grudge of some kind against her and she felt very frightened .
16 And when she came home she said , Do you know what she said she must have taken ages she said to put that cord through that er beam , she said .
17 So anyway she comes along into the dark pet and she said oh heck she said you must have a power cut along here I ca n't see nothing
18 She knows they must have been overheard , thought Greg .
19 She supposed she must have risen at some point to light a candle on the mantlepiece .
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