Example sentences of "she [verb] [pron] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He advanced towards her and she flung him a look full of wrath , annoyingly conscious of his height and the wide breadth of his shoulders .
2 and knit a jumper for Michael an'all , when Michael 's in she knits him a jumper , the jumper
3 She Oh that is that one where she expected you a week early ?
4 ‘ She had a very detailed knowledge of Enya 's music , and it was obvious that she plays it a lot . ’
5 And had she given him a chance to explain ?
6 She made him a sandwich and brought it to the table .
7 Before I left , she made me a present
8 So I went to a designer , Denise Vaughan of Deni Vee , and she made me a couple of suits which really pleased me and I believed that I was on to something .
9 And er but it was only about half past five I did n't I never stopped till the I just kept going now tha well about half past four , I started to pack up and I realized my sandwiches were still in my snack box so I I 'd I 'd had one one earlier on whilst I was still working but yes the lady there she made us a couple of cups in the morning , er cu cup of coffee , I think about what yeah about half ten time but the time I painted a little bit and I thought oh I 'll stop and have a fag , with my coffee and I had a cup of tea later on in the afternoon but er I did n't stop , I kept going , you know and then course by time I got to my drink , it was cold it was cool , so you drink it straight down
10 Or if your mother had got a say she made you a meat and tater pie in a little dish , if you took this little dish with you , the lady used to er warm it up for you .
11 that was the first time we had an inkling there was anything , and that was the Sunday before we moved and he said do you mind if I come and bring the shed up and then I can stop in there and I go and have , a , anyway , he came with Alan and she made you a cup of coffee did n't she ?
12 In the end , she made herself a drink of hot milk with a dash of brandy and took it up to bed , taking along the hot water bottle for good measure .
13 She made herself a cathedral , not quite in the spirit of the exterior , but roomy enough .
14 Leith was n't feeling very hungry when she got in , but she made herself a pot of tea and a snack , and , as she realised she had known she would , she worried .
15 She made herself a pump organ , and Dreamed up a man to play it .
16 Downstairs she made herself a cup of coffee and carried it out onto the patio and drank it at the table , smoked a loose-rolled sweet Italian cigarette , and watched the coming of the dawn .
17 Cook and Joan would not be down for another hour yet , so she made herself a cup of coffee on the gas stove .
18 She made herself a cup of English breakfast tea and then , with the kettle still boiling , steamed open the envelope .
19 She made herself a cup of tea , cut bread for toast , beat up eggs with grated cheese in a pan .
20 She made herself a cup of coffee and sat slowly drinking it , savouring the rich smooth brew .
21 Back at her flat , though , she made herself a cup of tea and was able to give her thoughts free rein — all of them centred on Naylor Massingham .
22 She made herself a sandwich and a cup of tea and carried them along to her workroom .
23 She exposed the soles of her feet at the mouth of the oven … she drank gall and rubbed her eyes therewith … in her ardent desire for suffering she made herself a silver circlet in which she fixed three rows of sharp points in honour of the thirty-three years that the Son of God lived upon earth … she wore it underneath her veil to make it the more painful as these points being unequally long did not all pierce at the same time … so that with the least agitation these iron thorns tore her flesh in ninety-nine places …
24 To teach herself to handle thought , she made it a practise never to permit herself to touch a brush until she could answer these questions , in writing , in the fewest possible words : ‘ What attracted me to this subject ? ’ 'Why do I want to paint it ? ’ 'What is the thing I am trying to express ? ’
25 She made it a point to tell people as little about herself as possible .
26 She realised what a relief it was to have formulated that simple statement and how , having done so , the power of it to horrify her was already lessening .
27 Dared she make herself a cup of tea in Matey 's absence ?
28 So she said I think that was damn rude she said she 's just slammed the phone down on Deborah and there 's really no need for that , well she said it 's private between me and Debbie , then we found out she got her a job
29 Reading , she 's , she got herself , I told you she got herself a place in Reading College , to do her , an English A Level , .
30 She got herself a job in Reading college , she got somebody to take her down there and a place to get an English A Level , and Mary said it 's a thing with her she wants to get this English A Level cos her father had one and she feels that is she could get and English A Level it would impress him , he , she spends her life trying to impress her father who does n't really takes much notice of her , .
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