Example sentences of "which might [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Traditional stories are a great source of enjoyment , and those like ‘ The Three Bears ’ include mathematical ideas which might be explored in talk and creative work .
2 Only those with a medical problem which might be aggravated by physical activity should hesitate before stepping into action , but providing they have a word with their doctor first , even severely disabled people will usually benefit from some kind of exercise .
3 This leaves around 1400km of post-collision convergence to be accounted for , much of which might be explained by a doubling of the thickness of the Tibetan crust during the past 50 Ma from a ‘ normal ’ value of 35 km to the present 70 km .
4 Moreover , while restrictive licence conditions which might be justified under the present quota system might lose their justification if that system developed into a more integrated system for the management of fishery sources , the same would not be the case with restrictions on the registration of vessels .
5 These needs and facilities are both part of the pedestrian environment , which might be defined as the interface between the walker 's personal ability to cope with environmental challenge , the location and accessibility of destinations , and the characteristics of the environment en route .
6 Similarly in ( 19 ) the conditional would signifies that not building is being envisaged as a hypothesis , as something which might be done in the future , but which is unadvisable in the eyes of the speaker .
7 The New Historicists ' 'reciprocal concern with the historicity of texts and the textuality of history' would set up an exchange which might be assumed to be awkward .
8 Thematic optional units which span several historical periods can be " deconstructed " , broken down into different periods to form special studies which might be followed alongside the appropriate core unit , or used as bridging units to link one core unit with the next .
9 Marines were honour-bound to board a hulk , to cleanse any threat it posed , and to recover any valuable or enigmatic pieces of ancient technology from millennia earlier which might be encysted in the wreck like pearls held in a lethal clam .
10 They may stem from either non-financial objectives or factors which might be quantified in money terms , but which have not been quantified , because there is insufficient information to make reliable estimates .
11 It was evident from the spread that enormous powers were available within her — powers which might be channelled into rich creation , or which might , if not subjected to correct restraint , become destructive .
12 Nor did it seem apparent to all that the war fought at sea , the damage which might be inflicted upon enemy vessels and morale , and the consequences which victory at sea could have for those who lived in areas close to coasts , were all part of a wider war which could not be restricted to the fighting on land .
13 Thus , he differentiates between two different ideas which might be encompassed by the concept of equality .
14 To teachers , it is of particular interest not only because it provides a model which might be applied with modifications to discourse in general , but also because the discourse type it chose to analyse was school lessons .
15 She considers this to be a more realistic figure than other estimates which might be based on the literature since there is probably a tendency to over-report cases of crossed-aphasia ( i.e. presumptive lesion and preferred hand on the same side ) in dextrals because of their rarity .
16 As personal traits and gifts , as the fruits of experience or as the outcome of maturity they remain essentially a private matter , not amenable to management training but open to approaches which might be based on good practice in counselling or on well-handled programmes about the development of interpersonal skills .
17 Wiping away the first drop , which might be contaminated by perspiration , she waited until a second drop formed , then pressed her finger on to the chemically treated reagent strip .
18 This controls the proximity of any adjacent parts which might be affected by excess heat .
19 The Regulations are presently the responsibility of Building Control Officers within local authorities and it is to them that you should apply if you want to do any work which might be affected by the Regulations .
20 agreed that finance would be needed to form and run a North American Division , but there was an Australian Division which had a local levy to raise its funds , which might be affected by any new arrangements for North America .
21 The size of the forces which might be raised by these primitive and inequitable means , especially at moments of real crisis , should not be under-estimated .
22 to ensure that any matters which might be raised by the acquiror company 's ‘ due diligence ’ exercise are identified in advance , and considered in the light of the effect on the proposed deal .
23 But for the English the system of requisitioning , together with a few ships which might be built in both inland and seaside ports , and those constructed at Bayonne , were sufficient to meet most of their needs .
24 The same relation between pure and applied social psychology can be continued in a social psychology , which might be built around a universal conception of social representation , with or without a rhetorical emphasis .
25 It was his passionate conviction that sarvodaya , which might be regarded as a practical expression of Truth , could only be effected by means of ahi sā , and the votary of ahi sā would be prepared to sacrifice himself in order to realize this ideal .
26 29996 preserves many more of his compositions , together with an alternatim organ Mass by another St. Paul 's musician Philip ap Rhys , who succeeded him as organist , and a considerable number of organ works ( including the Proper of a Mass for Easter Day and eight ‘ Felix namque ’ which might be regarded as a set of variations though they were not of course played as such ) by Thomas Preston ( d. c. 1564 ) , organist of Magdalen College , Oxford , and later of the Chapel Royal at Windsor .
27 By this means , Plato provided the model of a new art-form , the novel , which might be regarded as " an infinitely enhanced Aesopian fable " , with poetry in strict subordination to rationality : as in Euripides , the Apolline was reduced to " logical schematism " The new art-form also had a hero , Socrates : a " dialectical hero " , reminiscent of the argumentative Euripidean protagonist .
28 Sara Maitland says : ‘ I could say something which I thought was warm and friendly , but which might be regarded by the voters of Milwaukee as offensive . ’
29 Small wonder , then , that a lot of resentment and guilt rub off on the social worker himself or herself ; and that , when opportunity arises for public shouts of , " No better than we are ! " , it may be seized upon with a fine disregard for logic in expiation of sins which might be regarded in others as excusable .
30 ‘ He desired to appeal to the moral feelings of the nation and approved therefore of promoting petitions to parliament ; but he distrusted and disowned the questionable strength which might be gained by systematic agitation . ’
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