Example sentences of "which will be [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Other collectors to have enriched the collection include Charles Fairfax Murray who donated forty eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century paintings to Dulwich in 1911 , a number of which will be lent to Christie 's .
2 From a plan , lately begun by another person who wished to assist Mr. Green , he hopes he shall not be injured in the public opinion , as the difference between a plan made from an actual survey , with accurate instruments , and conducted upon principles true in theory ( which will be explained to every scientific enquirer ) and one made by striding , is too palpable to escape observations . ’
3 The first , which will be referred to as strategic planning , includes policies , strategies for development , location of industrial and residential zones , densities , etc .
4 The first version of the system , which will be referred to as CLE-I , was developed under the Alvey initiative between 1986 and 1989 .
5 Propitious curriculum developments , which will be referred to in detail later , included the restructuring of the lower-school IS curriculum to achieve more primary/secondary continuity and more project-based learning , and regular library-based learning activities pioneered by the science department .
6 On the contrary , they may well have moved much closer to the type which will be referred to as putatively postmodernist .
7 One 1989–90 report , which will be referred to again in chapter 10 , concerned the sale of the Rover Group .
8 Plans for materials etc involve stock control and purchasing , which will be referred to later in the chapter .
9 In these ways , and in certain others of less importance which will be referred to briefly , members and the public ( which , for practical purposes , means creditors and others who may subsequently have dealings with the company and become its members or creditors ) are supposed to be able to obtain the information which they need to make an intelligent appraisal of their risks , and to decide when and how to exercise the rights and remedies which the law affords them .
10 The overall increase of 2.1 per cent — compared with 2 per cent in grants from the Arts Council in England and Wales — was said to have been achieved at the expense of the SAC 's running costs , which will be limited to an increase of 1.5 per cent .
11 Rather than measure degrees of public ( mis ) understanding against some yardstick of ‘ real ’ scientific knowledge , it recognises that science and technology have and implicate a variety of publics , who , in using science at work , in managing their personal lives , or as consumers , will have different kinds of contacts with science , different levels of understanding of its language and ideas , and different conceptions of science and technology which will be related to other aspects of their lives .
12 It is essential that flora writers should make contact with external GIS providers , so that we can choose a system which will be related to their own needs .
13 In the rooms currently occupied by the Musée des Arts de la Mode ( which will be transferring to the Richelieu wing of the Louvre ) , we shall be presenting an overview of the twentieth century , while the Gallery of Creators on the ground floor , will feature occasional displays of contemporary subjects .
14 Sir Robin has prepared several drafts of the Queen 's Speech , which will be given to ministers once a Government is formed .
15 Each week , the operator will use this diary to produce a report of system down times , by day of the week , on a pre-printed form , which will be given to the New OED Computer Group Manager .
16 So , for example , the practitioner has no guidance on the weight which will be given to an admissible ministerial statement that a situation is not covered by one clause but is covered by another that is in conflict with a construction based on textual examination of the legislation as a whole .
17 The prospects for establishing bad faith are very limited however , given that virtually any policy that is premised on increasing profits but which will be damaging to employees , such as a plant closure , can be portrayed as being beneficial to the employees in general , for example by making other jobs in the company more secure , thus supporting the claim that employee interests have been sufficiently considered .
18 The full terms and conditions will be shown in the 5 Star service documents which will be sent to you on acceptance of your application cover .
19 More information about health is set out in our Holiday Planner which will be sent to you or your travel agent about 11 weeks before you travel .
20 Complete the claim form on the reverse of the Cancellation Invoice which will be sent to you after the cancellation advice is received by HCI .
21 Investigations can take several months , ending in a formal report which will be sent to you .
22 He said that it might take two to three years to arrive at the complete version of the social audit , which will be sent to all shareholders with the financial statements .
23 While you are there , register for a free copy of Executive Post , which will be sent to your home .
24 ‘ Personal Number ’ means your Personal Identification Number which will be sent to you by the Bank .
25 In addition , the team has created an explanation of the payslip codes , which will be sent to you during December 1992 .
26 You can buy a ready-made box from the RSPB sales catalogue , which will be sent to you each year .
27 The Study and Action Programme has now been published as a booklet , which will be mailed to WACC members during the coming weeks .
28 The inevitable conclusion which will be jumped to is that he is going because there is about to be some momentous U-turn over Maastricht now that Britain 's presidency of the EC is over .
29 5.1 In considering the rate at which course proposals can be validated , the Advanced Courses Policy Sub-Committee recognised that there would have to be a range of validation models , each of which will be tailored to the course and the centre .
30 The first payment due to you which will be credited to your business bank account will be on week commencing the seventh of the February .
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