Example sentences of "which i have [adv] see " in BNC.

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1 He even had on a collar and tie , which I 'd never seen before and which he would tug at every now and then as if it were too tight .
2 Shut behind glass doors on one wall were copper pots and jelly moulds which I 'd never seen used .
3 ‘ But I am allowed to say I was deeply disappointed , because he let things go on which I 've never seen before in my time back in England .
4 The FA are aware of Souness 's comments , particularly about referee Brian Hill , whom he accused of letting ‘ things go on which I 've never seen in my time back in England ’ .
5 As I took my place in the darkened centre stage for the opening of the first act , and the lights slowly came up , I saw a sight which I 've never seen before , a sight which chilled me to the marrow and froze me to the spot .
6 The display windows of the shops had also been taken over and in some of them were displayed uniforms such as that of the Russian Legion which I had just seen .
7 Last summer the common fluttered with holly blues , which I had not seen before .
8 This time Miss Havisham was in another room , which I had not seen before .
9 I really wanted to be close to the sea again , which I had not seen or even smelt for so long .
10 Statements such as , ‘ I did n't see it previously ’ ; ‘ I 've just noticed something new ’ ; I can see all sorts of things of interest which I had n't seen before' ; ‘ I was n't interested in that before … suddenly it has a very significant part to play ’ ; ‘ the painting is actually changing for me ’ ; ‘ I 'm just discovering it ’ ; ‘ I 've started now to appreciate … ‘ , abounded .
11 Frequently a Georgian house which I had always seen from the road and considered to be all of one date , was revealed , when I came to knock on its door , to be purely a façade built on to a much earlier building .
12 This caused a needle to bend to an angle at which I had never seen a needle before !
13 All sorts of bits were falling off , exposing lots of snazzy metalwork and futuristic circuitry the likes of which I had never seen the likes of .
14 It was also a revelation to see the wildlife — birds and animals which I had only seen in Zoos were free for me to enjoy .
15 One point he made which I have rarely seen put forward so well : that the audience can not be expected to follow any profound drama at all levels at once , and that there may be certain aspects which remain beyond the audience 's comprehension altogether .
16 One especially neat feature — which I have n't seen in other laser printers — is a range of macros adding tinted underlays , lines and borders to your dreary documents .
17 A really splendid piece of propaganda artwork which I have not seen before .
18 It may be that Ciccolini is following the new Debussy edition made by Roy Howat ( which I have not seen ) , since that scholar is responsible for the English note .
19 He was describing Odd-Knut 's Volvo which arrived the next morning , the like of which I have yet to see again .
20 The only solace for all this was the weekly reading of Modern Boy , a magazine which I have never seen mentioned in anthologies , books about boys ' magazines or reminiscences .
21 After his death , I learnt not to shut him out of my life and now I feel a comforting sense of continuity when I go through the boxes and find little notes by him which I have never seen before .
22 Can you give me any information , including availability and cost , of the Photon guitar synthesiser which is used to great effect by John McLauglin but which I have never seen advertised .
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