Example sentences of "which is n't [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To boost your chances of a close encounter move quietly through the countryside and wear clothing which is n't noticeably lighter or darker than the surroundings .
2 At the end of five years , you 've got the option er and you can er then extend the er into the erm er next issue if you wish , or you can go on the extension rate , which is n't usually good , or in index-linked certificates ' case , they 'll perhaps give you indexation , but no er bonuses .
3 So I really was confident I was going to pass , and he said , ‘ I 'll give you a pound if you pass , ’ which is n't really that good a way of teaching .
4 What comes across in both my interests and any skills which is n't really reconcilable with this I do n't think is that erm I 've got sort of , because of , I think it 's cos of my academic experience cos I did an arts degree with a lot of research and stuff , is that I , I like researching , data collecting , processing information .
5 I am extremely playful in that sense and I believe it 's the only form of fun possible in a world which is n't always much fun .
6 There 's a saying which is n't entirely true that the politics stops at the waters ' edge .
7 With Richter , one is left with the impression that there is not one single note ( whatever the rate at which it might emerge ) which is n't absolutely essential to the overall design , and there are pitifully few Liszt performances of which that can truthfully be said !
8 I mean , I myself , for instance , after I 'd published my first book on psychoanalysis in nineteen eighty was summoned to the House of Commons by and given a dinner , in the House of Commons Restaurant , which is n't very good actually , least it was n't then , and effectively I was told by this great man was , noticed , had a very high opinion of his own ego , that erm , you know the left was in charge of psychoanalysis in this country , and had better conform or shut up .
9 You sit there , then you get up and you walk to one end of your cell , which is n't very far , stand there for a little while , then you walk back , look out the window , and all the thoughts go through your mind — I could be out there , your children , friends , what you 'd be doing if you was out there .
10 She said if you pay up which is n't very much erm there 's something in Littlewoods and she 's got money in her pocket and she 's got a washing machine .
11 He is unemployed and receiving state benefit as employed which is n't very much
12 Now I 'm looking for something for Penny , which is n't very expensive but nice , you know .
13 I did my ‘ let's invade Poland ’ impersonation , which is n't very funny at the best of times .
14 Most modern faxes are Group III compliant ( see the Jargon Busters on page 56 ) and are able to print out at 200dpi , which is n't too far off laser printer quality .
15 Erm my history in the police is that I 've got eighteen years ' police servicing , started at Newark which is n't too far away from here , did about four years there and I was a village policeman at Alderton for about a year of that time .
16 He pretends not to know me , which is n't too surprising , as we 've never met , but otherwise appears not too eccentric .
17 and then do your other half of knot , reef knot and tuck it in straight away , you get your pin ready , have it on , either on the table or ready like that , now if you 've got too much material ever you just fold that down , there , if that 's too much , which is n't too much with Denise because it 's the right size sling , sometimes you have to improvise and then you fold if forward and back , firmly , take the pin and put it , put your two fingers down between the casualty so that your fingers are apart and there 's a space between your fingers so you can stick the pin in and out again without any danger , if you put the fingers apart like that , if you do stick the pin in yourself and draw blood would you please throw the pin away , as a matter of automatic hygiene , it must n't be used again once it 's been stuck into somebody
18 Alternatively anything which is n't too boisterous or overactive can be included .
19 which is n't too bad
20 How about , how about coursework which is n't actually due in yet like stuff for the end of this term or the beginning of next , I mean do you reckon you 'll be able to have a , have a stab at that some time ?
21 Which is n't actually hard but I have to write it down as well .
22 We went out bit like one of these er soap powder adverts which of these two objectives would you alright given the option to , decide that that is a a good training objective and which is n't so good ?
23 And because of that it has got gravitation and fields which is n't as big as the earth , it 's only about one sixth as big as the earth .
24 Oh yes varied , and there interesting , with , with children , particularly if they erm if I 'm doing workshops er with art and writing workshops and we come across an abstract picture , the children music , and , we , as a way into their vocabulary which is n't as large as their , their writing skills , and there 'll , there 'll decipher an abstract picture , wonderful language and I like doing that you know
25 But another thing I hear , which is n't necessarily solo work , but in a more orchestral sense , is roots and fifths .
26 Which is n't quite right .
27 Home : Sunninghill Park , Windsor , which is n't quite one 's sort of thing to be honest , and Buck House , SW1
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