Example sentences of "which is [adv] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is not necessary to examine each of these cases here , but sufficient to note that in each there is a disposition which is plainly a legacy sub modo yet which is subsequently described by the jurist as a trust .
2 That can , of course , literally be satisfied by the Unit General Manager ( UGM ) preparing a piece of paper which is simply a statement of intent .
3 Reference may be made to the National Code of Local Government Conduct , para. 3 ( Appendix D , post , p. 105 ) although it has to be said that that paragraph is not , in the author 's view , well drafted since it fails to indicate with sufficient clarity the difference between disclosing personal pecuniary interests ( failure to comply being a serious criminal offence ) and disclosing other interests ( which is simply a matter of prudence , but involves no breach of law ) .
4 In hotel and catering accounts , the sales day book is replaced by the visitors ' tabular ledger , which is simply a form of analysed or columnar book-keeping .
5 In many of the analogous medieval fabliaux of a miller and two clerks , the one clerk 's designs upon the daughter are motivated by simple lust , because she is beautiful , and involve her deception too , as she is given , in the dark , what she is told is a gold ring but which is simply an iron ring off an andiron in the fireplace .
6 As well as being able to make chargeable transfers and exempt transfers , under IHTA 1984 , s3(3A) a taxpayer may also make a potentially exempt transfer which is broadly a transfer which is assumed to be exempt from inheritance tax at the time of the gift but which may ultimately end up being a chargeable transfer because the donor does not survive the making of the gift by seven years .
7 Preventing pollution is one dimension of maintaining a safe environment which is largely a public rather than a personal responsibility .
8 In addition , there are some ideas about further changes that should be made to deal with poverty in old age , which is largely a problem for women .
9 We are committed to improving it further as a result of increased traffic , which is largely a consequence of the success of the east coast ports .
10 But when a pipe is discharging polluted water into a river which is largely an effluent channel , the only ‘ victim ’ may be the public , with the impairment to such amenity value as may remain .
11 The phase is characterized by inter articulation between the state and productive capital and by the participation of collective organizations in the state which is increasingly a welfare state .
12 And , it would not work because the arrangement 2x + y does not provide a means of bringing accountability to bear on the performance of management : for it is highly improbable that a group of people which is primarily a derivative from two opposed and irreconcilable interests can effectively be called to account by either ; and the addition of a third group accountable to no one further confounds the confusion .
13 And , finally , a party which had seen itself as being part of a process of international socialist revolution , linked with the Russian revolution of nineteen seventeen , becomes a party which is primarily a party of Chinese nationalism .
14 Finally , the budgets are collected into one Master Budget , which is effectively a statement of budgeted Profit and Loss together with a projected Balance Sheet .
15 There are songs in Latin , songs in Gaelic , a song about an evacuee and one which is clearly a prayer .
16 Similarly , Mosca develops the concept of a political class , made up of organised minorities who occupy an intermediary position between the ruling class and the majority , which is clearly a precursor both of the functional elites of Keller and Aron and of the pluralistic elites who make up Dahl 's polyarchy .
17 If the seller commits any breach ( even a minor one ) of a term which is clearly a condition , the buyer will be entitled not only to damages but also to reject the goods and treat himself as discharged from his obligations .
18 You accuse me of being ‘ just like all the rest ’ , which is clearly an insult .
19 Reading Mary Bailey 's article this month , which is both a celebration of seven years of service to the hobby , and a cry from the heart to help her to help you , I thought it was time I promoted , explained and outlined our superb readers ' query service .
20 The work has led to the development of a conceptual framework for a period which is both a phase and a process .
21 Clifford Geertz 's widely known article on ‘ Deep Play : Notes on the Balinese Cockfight ’ which is both an account of the way cockfighting may be seen as a symbolically charged text acting as a ‘ carefully prepared ’ expression of Balinese life and an account of the processes by which Geertz becomes a knowing reader of this text , is a prime example of the way thick description works .
22 One is the identity and background of a fish which is either a catfish or a goby , sold as Halophryn trispinosus .
23 Most off the shelf PCs these days come equipped with a graphics controller card which is either a card fitted into a vacant expansion slot or built in as part of the motherboard .
24 Which is rather a lot I think .
25 One example of this is the dinner at the forge , when there are guests , and they all talk about Pip as if he were inferior and Joe almost trying to comfort him , adds more and more gravy to his plate every time they say something negative about him , which is rather a lot .
26 For this I gave them about 30p , which is rather a lot , & since then they have been running up to me when they see me , offering to polish up my briefcase etc .
27 The reason for this , according to the attitudinist , is the distinction between belief , which sets out to represent how things are , and attitude , which is rather a matter of how one wishes ( not merely idly , but in a way which can produce appropriate action ) them to be .
28 In fact , an explanation which went back to a biologically grounded disposition could in this case precisely avoid the invocation of rational collective agency , which is rather an intellectualist embarrassment to the story as Hume ( 1738–40 ) tells it .
29 The comfort of the mattress is determined by the number of springs , which is generally a minimum of 900 , while luxury styles may have two layers of springs and some 2000 springs in all .
30 It votes on policies for the ensuing year and elects a National Executive , which is also a board of directors , for CAMRA is a company limited by guarantee .
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