Example sentences of "which had [adv] been [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At the end of November , when the extension and new filter were completed , the fish and plants were replaced in the main pond which had also been pressure cleaned and the mains water hose was left flowing overnight in order to refill the pond .
2 Richard I had disafforested the southern half , but they did not know whether Henry II had afforested any district which had not been forest in the time of Henry I.
3 Ltd. ( ‘ the dock company ’ ) as the company responsible for the operation of the port , which had formerly been part of the Chatham Royal Dockyard , and the fourth and fifth defendants , Crescent Wharves Ltd. and Ship Link Terminals Ltd. , as occupiers of berths and land in the port from which they carried on their businesses .
4 He had secured the support not just of members of parties which had formerly been members of the ruling coalition , but also of the Democratic Party of the Left ( PDS — the former Communist Party ) and the Greens .
5 There were related changes in the state sphere and a wholesale ‘ inter-nationalization ’ and associated ‘ de-industrialization ’ of areas and enterprises which had previously been strongholds of Fordism .
6 At a stroke , we might almost say , political ideas which had only been aspirations or dreams in the minds of philosophers or popular radicals , were placed on the agenda of real politics , not only in France or even Europe , but globally .
7 But it was not long before symptoms of the hypochondria which had always been present showed themselves in strength .
8 Increasingly they used the principle of partible inheritance ( which had long been characteristic of some other European societies ) , where the estate was divided between the surviving spouse and children .
9 Elections to the Knesset held on Nov. 1 , 1988 , resulted in deadlock between the two main parties , Likud and the Labour Party , which had hitherto been partners along with a number of minor parties in a coalition government formed following the last , similarly inconclusive elections in 1984 .
10 The big hook which had once been part of a hanging scales was in the shape of the letter S , and sharpened to a point at both ends .
11 Many reasons may be adduced for the Polish uprising of November 1830 : the Russians ' two-year hunt for " Polish Decembrists " ; the tsar 's reluctance to be separately crowned as King of Poland ; the refusal of St Petersburg to attach to the " Congress Kingdom " of Poland the provinces to the east which had once been part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth ; the emergence of Polish literary figures who " understood romanticism as embodying a patriotic call to restore the old republic within its old frontiers " ; the decline of the Polish economy ; the inspiration of the events of 1830 in France and Belgium ; and the arrest , just before the rising , of a number of militant soldiers and students .
12 As Gilbert 's words faded , he was back at the Unit again , listening to the thing which had once been Dr Bissell as it said …
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