Example sentences of "which they [vb past] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 George and Marie agreed that George should take most of the responsibility for the Brasserie , which they felt needed his talent for hospitality to build up a clientele , as well as his ability to train staff and foster good employee relations .
2 This interest drove me to inquire in depth into the experiences and feelings of individuals and to try and identify the processes by which they came to define themselves and other people under one set of categories rather than another .
3 There was something corrupt about the extent to which the British in Northern Nigeria cared about the loyalty of their subjects , and the lengths to which they went to cultivate what could in the end only be an illusion of mutual respect .
4 THE families and lawyer of three men convicted of killing newsboy Carl Bridgewater yesterday handed in ‘ new evidence ’ to Home Secretary Michael Howard which they said proved their innocence .
5 Poor people do n't want a millionaire among them reminding them of some way in which they failed to make it .
6 A striking one came in 1760 when , at the marriage of the Princess of Brazil , the daughter of King Joseph I , the masterful Portuguese chief minister , the marques de Pombal , announced that though the papal nuncio and the imperial ambassador would take precedence over all other foreign envoys this would be governed so far as the rest of them were concerned simply by the dates on which they had presented their credentials .
7 Recovery took 1802 – 3 wages back to that level , but then a fall took them down 10 per cent by 1808 – 9 , before they recovered this in 1810 – 11 then fell back somewhat to end the war years perhaps 5 to 8 per cent above the level at which they had begun it .
8 Nevertheless mortality had begun to fall in most Western countries only slightly later than in Britain , almost irrespective of the degree to which they had industrialized their economies , and with a similar diminution of particular causes of death ( Preston 1975 , 1976 ) .
9 The team 's ball-item ( ‘ Sugar and Spice ’ ) would be the one in which they had to deposit their balls at the back of the stage , jump , turn and move downstage .
10 Stephen had gone out first , scrambling up the shaft , putting all his weight this time on the rope and wondering what would happen , whether they would ever be found alive , if the rope came unfastened from the spur of rock to which they had tied it .
11 Any attempt to prove that they were misled by fraud or otherwise would necessarily involve an inquiry into the manner in which they had performed their functions in dealing with the Bill which became the British Railways Act 1968 .
12 The form in which they had found him lying was but one of many places which he used .
13 It was as if the train journey itself , the old-fashioned intimate compartment in which they had found themselves , the freedom from interruptions and the tyranny of the telephone , the sense of time visibly flying , annihilated under the pounding wheels , not to be accounted for , had released both of them from a carefulness which had become so much a part of living that they were no longer aware of its weight until they let it slip from their shoulders .
14 They were also asked to describe the major characteristics of the groups in which they had found themselves at each point in their time on the terraces .
15 Benches were wiped , floors were swept , and within a short time Ling 's kitchen had been restored to the pristine condition in which they had found it .
16 Two laboratory studies which attempted to assess the effects of real-life stresses on dreams used patients either awaiting major surgery or undergoing group therapy , in which they had to prepare themselves for a session devoted entirely to their own problems .
17 It was perhaps precisely because both sovereigns were well aware of the criticisms which might be made of their Court that in order to fulfil their public roles in accordance with the aims which they had set themselves , they worked to make of it a thing of great splendour .
18 The adventure of the cripple had made them uneasy and they were not prepared to camp until they were well clear of the spot at which they had encountered him .
19 Women were also handicapped by the constant cycle of pregnancy and childbirth to which they had to resign themselves .
20 When he offered to buy her a house in Blackpool , her request was for a simple terrace house , similar to the one in which they had spent their early life together .
21 She was not lying down , but rather squatted quietly in the small portable cage into which they had put her .
22 But they were more successful in the target seats on which they had concentrated their efforts .
23 Of course farmers and pastoralists themselves have developed their own and usually effective methods of soil and water conservation which they had evolved themselves and suited their own social relations of production and ecological conditions , but which had been disrupted by the colonial experience ( see Ch. 4 for examples ) .
24 Gieves , a business that dates back to 1785 , were above all tailors to the officers of HM Navy , many of whom , the management appreciated , could not afford to buy a good quality uniform , which they had to provide themselves , and pay for it in cash .
25 The court said that the parties had chosen the manner by which they wished to have their disputes resolved , and that the wording of the clause did not leave any scope for saying that , in so far as that matter was one of law , it was to be determined not by the expert but by the court .
26 It shaped the aesthetic of the lyrics and meditations concerned with the life of Christ which they wrote to convey their understanding imaginatively .
27 The object sought to be achieved in construing any commercial contract is to ascertain what the mutual intentions of the parties were as to the legal obligations each assumed by the contractual words in which they chose to express them ( Pioneer Shipping Ltd v BTP Tioxide Ltd [ 1981 ] 2 All ER 1030 ) .
28 Dockworkers occupied a crucial place in the economic process , which they exploited to raise their earnings considerably above the average for manual workers .
29 Two senior scientists have resigned from leading British conservation bodies in protest at the government 's interference , which they claimed undermined their independence and the quality of advice on conservation available to them .
30 THE British Lions were today fuming over two refereeing decisions which they claimed cost them victory in the first Test against New Zealand in Christchurch .
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