Example sentences of "which they can [vb infin] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 However , matters can be arranged so that the judgements required of human observers are only those which they can make reliably and accurately .
2 At weekends it makes for a good day 's outing to take the family for a picnic , after which they can gather as many strawberries as they want at the various fruit farms dotted around .
3 The scientific evidence may be lacking , but there is a colossal body of anecdotal evidence in favour of ESP — and there are few people who , in honesty , can not recall one or more instances in which they themselves have had an experience which they can explain only in terms of it .
4 In the same way , human beings differ from one another in their ability to handle stress and the level at which they can cope comfortably .
5 Lord Arran told how Minister Walsh , who spent over a day at the show , and he would be considering the extent to which they can co-operate mutually to the advantage of all involved in the food and drink industry in Ireland .
6 But by the age of 18 months children seem to have a relatively clear understanding of the actions over which they have direct control and the events in the material world which they can influence only indirectly via their actions or the actions of other people .
7 All they have to do is erase the magical circle , which they can do simply by rubbing out a few inches of the chalk with a rag or cloth .
8 It is open to holists , however , to resist this conclusion , and Cohen distinguishes two ways in which they can do so .
9 The RECs can generate electricity on their own account but are strictly limited in the extent to which they can do so .
10 I was now really eager to breed this species , but ( not surprisingly for the reasons I 've outlined ) the two individuals showed almost less than zero interest in each other , despite bribes of earthworms , which they can manage easily ( and eagerly ) without any need for chopping .
11 His main diet is plant food and many Plecs are very partial to Amazon Swords , which they can turn overnight into a Madagascar Lace Plant .
12 They feed on large tough fruits and other vegetable matter , including bark which they can tear apart with their strong hands .
13 Central government attempts to control local authorities by : a ) carefully regulating the amount of money which they can spend locally , and b ) scrutinizing the way in which money is actually spent .
14 Disabled and older patients who experience difficulty when rising from a chair will like most people , have their ‘ special ’ chair at home , out of which they can rise relatively easily , and on which they may hang a walking stick to help with safe rising .
15 There should be discussion between governors and the head about the best ways in which they can work together to complement each other 's efforts .
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