Example sentences of "which they [verb] their [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Departments , including costume and design , have started to operate the system , in which they cost their own services and sell themselves to BBC programmes .
2 Traditional they may be by instrumentation , but the way in which they apply their collective noises is unique .
3 In several primary schools children are working together at ‘ turtle geometry ’ projects in which they set their own goals and spend several days or weeks achieving them .
4 There are a few other initiatives that , for a capital sum of a few million pounds , hold the prospect of bringing forward such a radical transformation of the immediate circumstances of poorer people , and the extent to which they control their own lives .
5 They mostly excel in their industry — the skill with which they irrigate their terraced hillsides with tiny runnels of water shows a considerable advancement in agriculture .
6 The ants ' larvae possess silk glands with which they spin their own pupal cocoons .
7 " The Wonders " or " Marvels " was the basic guide book , immensely popular , which everybody read and to which they added their own impressions .
8 ( University of Edinburgh , Department of Molecular Biology ) Details of a scheme to help students find good PhD projects in departments other than that in which they took their first degrees .
9 Who among them caught the badgers and squirrels from which they made their fine paint brushes ?
10 To them she was more than a mass of steel and wood ; she had moods and feelings which they understood and to which they fitted their own .
11 Other exhibits to be added to the collection include books from the library of Lloyd George 's father William and an illuminated scroll presented to Lloyd George by his Caernarfon Borough constituents in 1913 in which they expressed their total confidence and trust in him .
12 A chriostat is , is what low temperature physicists call the little bit of experimental apparatus in which they get their low temperatures .
13 New enterprises and institutions are not created de novo , out of nothing ; they emerge from a fabric of events which is already complex , which has been long in the weaving , and from which they take their characteristic shape and colour .
14 To which they gave their best
15 Even more important , perhaps , in its effect upon class action is the attachment which individuals have always had to some tribal , ethnic , linguistic or national community , with which they identify their own interests , by contrast and often in conflict with other such communities .
16 On the shores of the lake , or on one of the little islets that may form in the middle of it , they build their lodge , a great dome of sticks , poles , branches , reeds and mud within which they have their living chamber .
17 Recognising that this stands in contradiction to the statements contained in the terms and conditions of engagement which they offer their casual workers , some organisations seek to make it clear that they are no more than " collecting agents for the revenue " .
18 It was arranged that they could hold the ceremony in front of the band stand following which they danced their favourite dance together .
19 Unwin and his colleague Parker in their 1901 essays brought forward the arguments of the Beau Ideal to support the rustic vernacular with which they designed their mass housing .
20 Well there seems to be a slight mismatch there , and perhaps some of this mismatch is also a part of , with the confusion I have of the various shifting policy of York , in term in terms of their requirement , there has been in the in the not too recent recent past York were saying they had an additional requirement beyond need which they termed their concealed requirement , although it might not be a concealed dwellings , as we might otherwise describe them , of one thousand six hundred , and that has progressively come down to seven hundred as presented at this enquiry .
21 Having lost their serfs , they realized that they would have to alter not only the basis on which they conducted their money-raising activities , but also perhaps the activities themselves .
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