Example sentences of "which give him the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He receives what are called letters of administration , which give him the title to the property ; even where there is a will , but no executor is appointed , there must be a grant of letters of administration cum testamento annexo , ‘ with the will attached ’ .
2 Layton described the four things which stand out in Leonard , which give him the confidence to work as he does , and promote his work : The strong tradition of learning ; the business entrepreneurship of his family ; the broad philanthropy/charity which hall-marked it ; and , lastly , the self-awareness that comes from being a Cohen — not understood as class-distinction , but from the high symbolism of ‘ the priest and his role . ’
3 Fabbio did his homework among the downsizing-bent corporates which gave him the idea for Dazel : exploit the need for managing information in the network environment and give them instantaneous links to fax , printers , voice and E-mail .
4 But it was the patronage of Sir John Coke [ q.v. ] , one of the principal secretaries of state from 1625 to 1639 , which lay behind his rise to complete control of foreign and domestic posts in the 1630s ; and it was that achievement which gave him the opportunity both to create a new postal service and to acquire an estate in Essex worth £800 a year .
5 His works were on a small scale until in 1823 he became engineer for the Difference Engine project of Charles Babbage [ q.v. ] , which gave him the opportunity to build highly accurate large machine tools for his workshop , the best known of which was his large planing machine , built in 1831 .
6 FURIOUS Nigel Mansell ended his Formula One career yesterday with a blast at the team which gave him the World Drivers ' Championship .
7 To him , they were something of an adventure , a small knock at the system which gave him the illusion of individual importance .
8 In November , he was given ‘ emergency powers ’ , which gave him the right to issue legally binding decrees and appoint people to any government post without reference to the Supreme Russian Soviet .
9 In preparation for the Congress , the standing parliament , the Supreme Soviet , demanded that constitutional changes be made by the Congress to allow the legislature more control over the government , since President Boris Yeltsin 's emergency powers , granted by the fifth ( extraordinary ) Congress in October 1991 [ see p. 38537 ] , which gave him the right to appoint the government , were due to expire .
10 At first Mussolini was the senior partner , a position which gave him the feeling of power he clearly relished .
11 He was wearing a homburg and his face was swarthy , thickly browed and with a thin moustache , which gave him the appearance of a continental .
12 It was almost a religious conviction he had , and one which gave him the courage to carry out his plans .
13 He is passionately devoted to the English and American novel : his first remembered literary emotion was provoked by reading Hawthorne 's short story The Minister 's Black Veil , which gave him the ambition to write fiction himself .
14 With his accountant 's help he eventually moved his accounts to the Midland , which gave him the overdraft on reasonable terms , but he is critical of the way banks look at small businesses , believing that many only look at the business sector rather than at the person running a particular business .
15 He has natural flair which gives him the ability to do anything with the ball he wants to .
16 As for the class of goods , where commercial goods are concerned the party acquiring them presumably has some expertise in relation to them which gives him the capability to assess their quality or to understand if he needs to call in an expert assessor , so that less protection should be required in this case .
17 An archaeologist who has transformed the way people think about his area of study ; a communicator who can make an enthralling TV programme ; a lover of contemporary art who has persuaded the Fellows of his Cambridge college at least to tolerate biannual sculpture shows ( one of which involved digging up the hallowed lawns ) ; and now , since his peerage which gives him the forum of Britain 's Upper House , a politician , with strong views on how to preserve the world 's history as encapsulated in its archaeology : Colin Renfrew at fifty-five has an enviable career and range of interests .
18 A provision in an executive director 's service agreement which gives him the right to leave the company with a generous financial package , either in the event that he is dismissed prematurely or because a defined event occurs ( eg a takeover ) which entitles him to be paid a pre-agreed sum .
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