Example sentences of "which it would have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The universe would have started off with a period of exponential or " inflationary " expansion in which it would have increased its size by a very large factor .
2 It can not therefore have failed to become an important centre in its own right after the administrative changes introduced in the fourth century and it may have been promoted to the rank of civitas capital , although there is no evidence for the civitas over which it would have ruled .
3 On that basis of the civil law , the majority of the Supreme Court of Canada held in Montreal Tramways v. Leveille [ 1933 ] 4 D.L.R. 337 , that when a child not actually born at the time of an accident was subsequently born alive and viable , it was clothed with all the rights of action which it would have had if actually in existence at the date of the accident to the mother .
4 While the consortium had offered to put up £2,500 million in private capital the project would also have involved ERL taking over a £1,000 million government loan already allocated to BR to improve commuter services along the route , a further £400 million investment by BR ( in exchange for which it would have had a 50 per cent stake in commuter services along the route ) and a government " capital grant " of £500 million .
5 Apart from the huge expense of acceding to the health workers ' demands , defeat for the Government would have brought in its train a series of demands from other workers which it would have found hard to resist . …
6 But they did educate the public on a subject which it would have preferred to ignore .
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