Example sentences of "which it is [vb pp] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the early cases seem to turn upon a consideration of whether or not a payment which it is sought to recover was made voluntarily or not .
2 If a specific sum is anticipated in 6 months time , and today 's price of the share in which it is intended to invest is considered low or is forecast to rise , then the price may be fixed now by the use of a call option .
3 Certain things are excluded from registration such as a method or principle of construction or features of shape or configuration dictated solely by the function the article has to perform , or which depend upon the appearance of another article of which it is intended to form an integral part .
4 The automatic directions confirm that only those reports on which it is intended to rely at trial need be disclosed .
5 For the CNAA itself there was also the problem of the transitional situation in which the new BEd degree would run in parallel with the existing certificate courses , and the Committee laid down that ‘ the new BEd must be established as an award of degree standard , distinct from the Certificate course which it is intended to replace ’ .
6 Before further operations are undertaken , it is most advisable to reform the squadron which it is intended to use shortly . ’
7 Where the grounds upon which it is intended to impose conditions are the intimidatory purposes of the persons organising , the chief constable is entitled to take into account the previous conduct of the organisers , including relevant criminal convictions if the organisers have any .
8 The pace at which a sequence is cut also depends on the mood which it is intended to communicate .
9 Define the market with which it is intended to communicate by region , by product or by any other segmentation method .
10 After a certain point the wants which it is intended to satisfy have to be artificially created in the first place by advertising and salesmanship .
11 In fact it seems more likely that Picasso felt that the Demoiselles as he decided to accept or leave it represented a truly astonishing challenge with which he himself must come to terms ; obviously if he had been dissatisfied with the look of the painting he would not have left it as it is , and it has been argued that the stylistic discrepancies within the painting are essential to its iconography , to the message which it is intended to convey .
12 Here they rely on the principles in the ticket cases which require a reasonable attempt to give notice to a party of the existence of terms and conditions by which it is intended to bind him .
13 It is on the borderline between a true signal , indicating the nature of the coming activity and establishing specific relations within which it is intended to occur , and that type of signal which is not preparatory or externally indicative but is integrated within the form of a work : a type which we can distinguish as conventions , and which is so fundamentally important that it will be separately discussed , below .
14 The body , bound to the soil to which it is destined to return , remained the source of those evil behaviours that , judged by God , lead to hell .
15 A problem-solving approach is a necessary feature of the nursing process , in which it is applied to seek to alleviate the patient 's problems ; it is also crucial to the research process .
16 The present project constitutes a pilot study after which it is hoped to set up a longer term project to follow up the initial findings .
17 Thirdly , a time limit is set , usually three months , within which it is hoped to achieve the goals .
18 Application for these awards is made individually to the award-giving body through the institution in which it is hoped to study .
19 Other sections on which it is hoped to complete work in the next few years included :
20 Other sections which it is hoped to complete work in the next few years include :
21 For the sake of completeness and of the bearing it may have on the method by which Step 1 is achieved , a list is given here of the products which it is hoped to manufacture by the manipulation of the output from Step 1 .
22 Software for garden design , estimating and scheduling , as used in many local authority parks and recreation departments , and which it is hoped to obtain for Horticultural Education , has the potential for use in the horticultural Departments of the Gardens .
23 For the purposes of calculation the term will then run from the date on which it is expressed to begin , although the tenant 's interest will not vest until the date on which the lease is actually executed ( Cadogan ( Earl ) v Guinness [ 1936 ] Ch 515 ) .
24 Although technically still responsible to the North Essex health authority , Mid Essex Mental Health Services is already managed on a contract basis by the community health trust with which it is planned to merge .
25 MICHEL ROCARD 'S Socialist government faces a vote of no confidence today which it is bound to win .
26 When the beauty of the flower resounds with the beauty of the sentiment which it is hired to communicate … well , there is a happiness which the gift of rubies can rarely surpass .
27 ‘ a motor vehicle , namely a … to which section 47 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 applied and ’ Section 47 applies to all motor vehicles first used more than three years before the time at which it is proved to have been actually used on the road for the purpose of the present offence .
28 psychology can not , for purposes of self-definition , prejudge that which it is required to judge .
29 Auditors are not responsible for reporting on irregulated entities overall compliance with rules with which it is required to comply , that 's unlike local government , nor are they required to conduct there work in such a way that there is reasonable certainty that they will discover breaches .
30 I refer to your letter of 10 September 1992 concerning the Council Tax staffing proposals and the report which it is proposed to submit to the Finance Committee on Wednesday 16 September 1992 .
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