Example sentences of "which have [adv] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 In addition to the secretary of state for the environment , the director-general of water services , and the EC commissioners , regulators include the Monopolies and Mergers Commission ( which has already stepped in to prevent unwelcome mergers ) ; the local authorities ( responsible for monitoring and controlling the standard of clean water supplies ) ; the Drinking Water Inspectorate ( the auditor of technical standards ) ; the National Rivers Authority ( responsible for monitoring and controlling pollution in rivers , lakes and coastal waters , and for maintaining sea walls ) ; Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution , HMIP ( which grants consents for the release of toxic substances into the environment ) ; and the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food ( responsible for granting consents for disposals at sea ) .
2 It was squarely concluded that Hitler , through the over-estimation of his own strength and rejection of all overtures for peace from neutral states , ‘ bears himself in the last resort the blame for the retrograde development which has now set in ’ .
3 He sent the clerk hurrying into the back room to get a dark grey suit which had just come in and then said : ‘ Going to New York ?
4 She was re-reading the last line of the message which had n't sunk in till now .
5 Then the wind and the darkness and the sense of utter abandonment had unlocked a memory which had already put in a passing appearance earlier that night .
6 Such clues would add to the embarrassing riches of intelligence which had recently flooded in to Napoleon 's headquarters from Belgians who desperately wanted to be part of France again .
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