Example sentences of "which be what the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Dividends , which are what the shareholder is paid for the use of his money , are recommended by the directors and authorized by the annual general meeting of shareholders .
2 Dividends , which are what the shareholder is paid for the use of his money , are recommended by the directors and authorized by the annual general meeting of shareholders .
3 " We can take most of them apart and use the materials again — which is what the government wants us to do . "
4 And I think that the revolution in history which has taken place over the course of the last twenty-five years has been a revolution which has been fuelled by people 's curiosity to study things which previously had not been studied , rather than just to take some formal statement of what seemed to be important , which is what the chroniclers took , or some propaganda statement , which is what the Tudors took and what the seventeenth century historians took , or indeed to write very academic history , which is what professional historians have tended to do , over the course of the last erm forty or fifty years .
5 Although sufferers appear to have lost their appetite — which is what the word anorexia literally means — their chief worry is weight increase .
6 Evidently he thought that a person can quite properly use the word ‘ here ’ without knowing , either by acquaintance or description , some thing which is what the word means , but that the word ‘ I ’ is different , and therefore that someone who can not , however hard he introspects , discover some thing which is what the word means , should not use it .
7 Evidently he thought that a person can quite properly use the word ‘ here ’ without knowing , either by acquaintance or description , some thing which is what the word means , but that the word ‘ I ’ is different , and therefore that someone who can not , however hard he introspects , discover some thing which is what the word means , should not use it .
8 Before the op I was on 1,000 milligrams of the Dopramine drug a day , which is what the brain is lacking , which is substitute the drug for , which is .
9 In the space of a few weeks they went from favouring broadly no change in taxation ( which is what the chancellor gave them ) to yearning for the rod — in one case a tax rise of £5 billion-10 billion .
10 But to use broad-brush protection ( which is what the withdrawal of MFN status would be ) for a vague target such as human rights makes less sense .
11 So those are all if you like the background , the things that do change but the fundamentals that stay the same are the design and the delivery and although we 'll look a little bit although we 've er I have to say with the numbers we 've got here today it will only be a little bit about things like question and visual aids and because of the time factor if you think about it if we 've twelve people to make four presentations or we 've eight people to make four presentations time is a little bit different and with with twelve we do n't perhaps have the luxury of time that we would with eight people which is what the course was originally designed for .
12 which is what the position at the moment
13 The relative success of the Japanese is , therefore , not based upon disregarding the risk-related cost of funds , which is what the DCF mechanism is designed to address .
14 In the above example , the rheme is : provided a reasonably accurate system for predicting the positions of heavenly bodies in the sky , which is what the writer has to say about Ptolemy 's model .
15 The cafe idea was more down-to-earth , which is what the song 's all about — it 's supposed to be against arrogance and affluence and snobbery . ’
16 And I think that the revolution in history which has taken place over the course of the last twenty-five years has been a revolution which has been fuelled by people 's curiosity to study things which previously had not been studied , rather than just to take some formal statement of what seemed to be important , which is what the chroniclers took , or some propaganda statement , which is what the Tudors took and what the seventeenth century historians took , or indeed to write very academic history , which is what professional historians have tended to do , over the course of the last erm forty or fifty years .
17 By this acquisition Crane can get a listing on the USM which is what the directors want .
18 My right hon. and learned Friend the Member for Edinburgh , Pentlands ( Mr. Rifkind ) has made it unequivocally clear over a long period of years that he is wholly opposed to unilateral devolution , which is what the Bill proposes .
19 Which is what the Tories want you see
20 Of course the ball could be moved immediately which is what the lawmakers want .
21 Since we are using it for choices of ends , we can not treat the awareness it prescribes simply as a universal means to our ends whatever they may be , which is what the admonition suggests in ordinary discourse ( with the implication ‘ If you do n't you 'll suffer for it ’ ) .
22 Sir Anthony concludes : ‘ A regulatory agency — which is what the Department were , at the time , in relation to the protection of investors — ought , to my mind , by definition adopt a rigorous and enquiring approach as regards material coming into its possession concerning an undertaking about which suspicions have been aroused , and also as regards representations made to it on the part of the undertaking in question .
23 Written by two professors , Charles Taylor and John Beetlestone , both at University College , Cardiff , it describes entries in a competition organised for schools in three counties in south Wales aimed at introducing drama as a method of understanding — even enjoying — science , which is what the Molecule Club does on its own , as far as I know .
24 So of course inevitably what happened is we got the house lot in just , took it to this place in Leeds , got finished with that load and back for four which is what the estimate had covered us for , and then we had to start all over again with what was in the garage .
25 But it is quite another thing to see the truth clearly and wilfully to reject it ; quite another thing to ascribe the power of the Holy Spirit to the devil — which is what the scribes were doing .
26 It is inevitable and right that if we are to make God real for ourselves we must , to a considerable degree , speak of Him in human terms , which is what the Bible does when it speaks of Him as repenting , changing His mind , being provoked or made angry or sorrowful .
27 The presence of otters means the river is healthy which is what the NRA wants .
28 Hence the current emphasis on sustainable development ( meeting our needs without making it impossible for future generations to meet their needs ) , which is what the Earth Summit is meant to be giving some practical expression to .
29 So he was young ; but his body was n't smooth and gold , pure hard gold , which is what the woman says about the body that you see in that scene of the film .
30 The families choosing such an event put a great deal of effort into making the formal disposal of the body ( which is what the job has become ) as relevant and reverent as possible , and yet it seemed extremely difficult to achieve .
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