Example sentences of "which be [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Now they have developed , with the help of Professor Van Aken of Utrecht University , a simple method of Roentgen photography , whereby a low-powered X-ray ( 220 volts exactly , which are converted to 5000 volts ) passes through the paper and exposes the negative directly behind it to the exact amount of radiation needed to show up the detailed structure of the impression left by the mould and the watermark .
2 Rather than focusing on a few substances which are painted in lurid colours , the specialists say , the goal should be a workplace free of compulsive chemical use of all kinds .
3 These shapes are built into moving pictures which are inspired by those drawn by Blake to illustrate stories from the Bible .
4 Central authority has been progressively weakened since the outbreak of civil war in 1975 , and real political power in Lebanon now effectively rests with the leading figures of the rival militias which are organized along religious lines .
5 The theory of plate tectonics states that the outer layer of the earth , the lithosphere ( – 100 km thick ) comprises a small number of ( relatively ) rigid plates which are separated by narrow zones along which most tectonic , seismic and volcanic activity is concentrated .
6 Disabled Facilities Grants are available to people who are disabled , for works which improve their access to essential facilities and which are supported by Social Services Department as being ‘ necessary and appropriate ’ .
7 An RGU spokesman said ‘ We currently have two teaching posts which are supported by Scottish Office money and these are for approved courses in textiles .
8 The copulatory bursa , which embraces the female during copulation , is important in the identification of certain male nematodes and is derived from much expanded caudal alae which are supported by elongated caudal papillae called bursal rays .
9 Manchester and Liverpool are doing the same , as more and more houses are being built on vast estates , with their own shopping centres and with factories which are built on industrial trading estates .
10 This is the name chosen for another family of devices which are built from simple nodes , connected in a network .
11 During the selection process berries are bounced along shaking conveyor belts which are crossed with four inch high wooden barriers — they must be fresh and firm enough to bounce over the boards .
12 This is made crystal clear in a somewhat laboured exposition in a book by Preece and Maier published in 1889 : Let us suppose the two microphonic transmitters are placed on the stage at T and T 1 , and these transmitters separately connected by two distinct wires to two telephone receivers , R and R 1 , which are applied to both ears to hear the actor , whom we will suppose to be placed at A. It is easy to understand that , the distance of this actor from transmitter T being less than that from transmitter T 1 , his song will be more distinctly reproduced by transmitter T than by T 1 , and the stronger impression will be produced on the left ear .
13 The budgets of anticipated income and expenditure which are prepared at this stage are vital if the band are to appreciate the limits of their financial resources .
14 The meals , which are prepared in Social Work Department or Education Department kitchens , are transported in heated containers to individual homes ; usually a nutritious two-course meal of meat , two vegetables and a sweet , or perhaps soup , provided in disposable tin-foil containers .
15 The most satisfactory approach is to try to identify features which are replicated in most of the schemes .
16 The cast iron beams , which are curved in top elevation , are of ‘ L ’ and inverted ‘ T ’ cross-section .
17 In any case , there are earthier explanations , such as the changes in sea level favoured by Newell ( 1963 and 1967 ) , or changes in climate ( perhaps themselves brought about by changes in the earth 's magnetism ) which are favoured by many authors .
18 They are therefore simultaneously producing larger proportions of theses which are ignored by other workers , and smaller numbers of theses which external researchers have considered worthy of citing .
19 If the consumption plans of individuals are related to real wealth as well as to disposable income , then changes in the price level that alter the real value of assets ( which are denominated in nominal terms ) will affect aggregate demand .
20 The sensual — or more correctly sensuous — aspects of chocolate are connected mostly with the fat free constituents developed in the cacao pod during growth , which are enhanced by subsequent fermentation and roasting .
21 Individuals therefore learn to discriminate the conditions which are associated with behaviours being followed by contingent events which are desirable , from those which are associated with no environmental change or those which are followed by unpleasant events .
22 In spite of the power and continuing influence of Skinner 's ideas , it is important that Verbal Behaviour is seen more in terms of a set of claims or predictions , which are illustrated with anecdotal evidence and hypothetical examples , rather than a theory which has been tested against research evidence .
23 The Consumer Information Department of the ABI , or their regional offices , which are listed in local telephone directories , can provide assistance to any individual or organisation .
24 There are some books which are written in spoken language , books like Tom Forrest 's Country Calendar — a chat or paper by a countryman in his own words .
25 Algebraic geometry which , very loosely speaking , is concerned with curves and surfaces in n-dimensional space which are defined by algebraic equations , is a meeting ground for several mathematical disciplines including geometry , complex analysis , topology and number theory as well as algebra .
26 As far as actual examples of volcanic rocks are concerned , it was mentioned that the most abundant are basalts , which form at mid-ocean ridges , and andesites , which are formed at destructive plate margins .
27 Basalts are the rocks which are formed at mid-ocean ridges , and which make up the entire oceanic crust .
28 The mouse class II MHC region contains six genes ( Ob-Ab-Aa-Eb1-Eb2-Ea ) encoding two cell surface heterodimers ( AαAβ and EαEβ ) which are expressed on key components of the immune system , including B cells , dendritic cells and can be induced by γ-interferon on other antigen presenting cells , such as macrophages .
29 This test ( Fenn 1979 ) was designed to determine whether a child who is able to understand single words can also understand the relationships which are expressed by different forms of word order .
30 In Chapters 2 to 10 we take the various constructions in which English adjectives actually appear , and consider the grammatical and interpretative consequences of the intensional patterns which are expressed by those constructions , before returning in the final three chapters to more general issues of syntax .
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