Example sentences of "which be [adv] [adj] or " in BNC.

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1 There are passages in this book which are curiously enigmatic or coy ; but I 'd recommend it to anyone and I 'd freely tell them about Dennis that he 's a good old boy , a sound socialist , a grassroots climbers .
2 To return to the analogy with grammar , one often finds in natural speech , sentences which are grammatically anomalous or incomplete , but this does not deter the grammarian from describing ‘ normal ’ sentence structure .
3 The black members perceive the unions as white organisations which are either indifferent or hostile to the concerns of black people . ’
4 All are used loosely because there are no taxonomies which are either comprehensive or rigorous .
5 Whatever the aspirations of the corporate planners , most of the attempts to develop corporate objectives and goals ( whether in structure plans or corporate documents ) have ended up as bland statements of intent , which are either unachievable or virtually meaningless .
6 Ionisers Air contains electrical charges , ions , which are either negative or positive .
7 The second observation is that learning is a " total " event in that is involves the entire person. , The third and most characteristic observation is that a person is constantly responding to innumerable influences , a few of which are conscious and rational , but most of which are either non-conscious or non-rational , or both .
8 Second Division is for ‘ memories ’ — commemorations which are either obligatory or optional .
9 With his concept of the linguistic sign Saussure created the basis of structuralism , both in linguistics and as a more broadly based movement of thought , in which all forms of social and cultural life are seen to be governed by systems of signs which are either linguistic or analogous to those of language .
10 Competitive advantage can be gained from exploiting information at the strategic level so as to increase business efficiency or to highlight areas in the organisation which are particularly strong or weak , and thus lead to new business strategies .
11 This issue becomes most significant in countries which are very poor or where school enrolments have increased very suddenly .
12 Paragraph 610 of the Bar code provides , first : ’ Counsel must not make statements or ask questions which are merely scandalous or intended or calculated only to vilify insult or annoy either a witness or some other person ; counsel must if possible avoid the naming in open Court of third parties whose characters would thereby be impugned ; counsel must not suggest that a witness or other person is guilty of crime , fraud or misconduct or attribute to another person the crime or conduct of which his lay client is accused ’
13 L let us then debate , I mean you actually have a load of projects which are maybe two or three thousand pounds apiece
14 This study underlines the highly selective nature of relationships which can be used for emotional support in life circumstances which are personally distressing or disruptive .
15 The effects of gleying increase with depth and the colour inherited from the parent material is not apparent in the lower soil horizons , which are often grey or bluish grey .
16 Bentham tries to show that on no useful classification of motives can one divide them into those which are always good or bad .
17 But this does not prevent other functions from being present , lower down in the hierarchy , in texts in which the poetic function is dominant ; equally , the poetic function may be present in texts which are mainly expressive or referential .
18 If selection is difficult then more attention should probably be paid to generating further alternatives which are more attractive or combine features .
19 It would be desirable to be able to discard those candidates which are too short or too long to be the correct word — this would reduce the number of candidate words to be considered for further processing .
20 Such qualities include not only those which are naturally useful or agreeable but also what he described as the artificial virtues , in particular justice .
21 Moralists are , by definition , inclined to deal in absolutes and to be uncomfortable with pragmatic accommodation , but political leadership in the United States requires bargaining skills and , ‘ calls for actions such as compromise , renunciation , face saving of oneself , which are morally ambiguous or even downright immoral to people with morally rigorous standards .
22 In the absence of a theory ( description and explanation ) of teacher development , we are left with a number of statements which are essentially normative or prescriptive .
23 Precious Metals Division 's performance was impacted by precious metal prices which were either flat or in the case of rhodium significantly lower .
24 If you were to write down on a sheet of paper half a dozen simple statements of fact which were either true or false and then turn the questions face down , the pendulum will come up with which are which . ’
25 Nor was there proper central control over the building and maintenance of fortifications , many of which were sadly out-of-date or in bad need of repair by the time that the English began to invade France .
26 But in almost all instances lie recovered himself in the process of revision , took out the passages which were rhythmically inert or altered words and images which did not sustain the underlying cadence and structure .
27 Leaving the beach , dune and river sediments , which were mainly medium or fine sands , the greater spread of grain size enabled Landim & frakes ( 1968 ) successfully to distinguish till from alluvial fan and outwash deposits using moment methods .
28 No approval by the production Code Administration shall be given to the use of words and phrases in motion pictures including , but not limited to , the following : Alley cat ( applied to a woman ) ; bat ( applied to a woman ) ; broad ( applied to a woman ) ; bronx cheer ( the sound ) ; chip-pie ; cocotte ; God , Lord , Jesus , Christ ( unless used reverently ) ; cripes ; fanny ; fairy ( in a vulgar sense ) ; ‘ hold your hat ’ ; louse ; lousy ; Mada ( relating to prostitution ) ; nance , nerts ; nuts ( except when meaning crazy ) ; pansy ; razzberry ( the sound ) ; slut ( applied to a woman ) ; S O B ; son-of-a ; tart ; toilet gags ; tom cat ( applied to a man ) ; travelling salesmen and farmer 's daughter jokes ; whore ; damn ; hell ( excepting when the use of said last two words shall be essential and required for portrayal , in proper historical context , of any scene or dialogue based upon historical fact or folklore , or for the presentation in proper literary context of a Biblical , or other religious quotation , or a quotation from a literary work provided that no such use shall be permitted which is intrinsically objectionable or offends good taste ) .
29 They reasoned that an attitude held by an individual is a unique value on a continuum of possibilities or scale , rather than something which is simply present or absent .
30 This rule applies not only to exclusion clauses but to any clause which is particularly onerous or unusual and unlikely to be known to the other party , Interfoto Picture Library v. Stiletto Visual Programmes ( 1988 C.A. ) .
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