Example sentences of "which they [vb base] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The environment for teaching Art is enriched or otherwise by the personality of the staff doing the teaching and the way in which they develop their environment .
2 Replicators that happen to have what it takes to get replicated would come to predominate in the world , no matter how long and indirect the chain of causal links by which they influence their probability of being replicated .
3 On his first night back , his parents give him a party , to which they invite their circle of middle-class , middle-aged friends .
4 The studios are set back from the road and are shaded by the olive trees from which they derive their name .
5 As noted in chapter 4 , social anthropology has tended to privilege society and social structure as prior phenomena which posses a certain profound reality , and in this tradition patterns located in objects might be held to reflect back to some social division or model from which they derive their source and significance .
6 The way in which they sell their credit tends to make it a prominent and a more or less permanent part of the budget of their customers — that is , of generally poorer people , particularly in the North .
7 Observing that " governments of the world stand in danger of sabotaging the hope of a new era of human rights " , it asserted that " some are sabotaging it by the violations they commit directly , others by the selectivity with which they exert their influence " .
8 All the spadefoots have a sharp-edged horny plate on the hind feet , the ‘ spade ’ from which they get their name .
9 All green plants depend on light to power the chemical processes by which they synthesise their body substances from simple elements .
10 Correspondingly , unpopular schools might expect to contract to a point at which they lose their viability .
11 Letter is basically a contract which they require our agreement/signature and return to them .
12 This principle limits the degree to which state agencies and provisions in the area of welfare can take over responsibilities from individuals or from smaller , ‘ natural ’ units , upholding instead the rights of individuals to secure and shape the means with which they shape their role in society autonomously ( von Nell-Breuning , 1976 ) .
13 The study of black sportsmen and society brings into relief the way in which the youths ' orientations to school and what they expect to achieve from education affect , not segmentally but totally , their attitudes , postures and the way in which they apportion their time and energies .
14 Women artists need to have both ‘ parents ’ as part of the resources and references from which they make their art today , and to understand the nature of the position from which they work and intervene to reshape — to expand — contemporary culture .
15 The University welcomes applications from mature students , those who would be 21 or over by 1 October of the year in which they begin their degree courses .
16 The few localized investigations of the problem that have been carried out have shown that second home owners do not make an entirely negative contribution to the areas in which they purchase their property .
17 In this chapter , we intend briefly to survey some of the cultural and technological correlates of a society 's attitudes towards child upbringing generally ; and , more specifically , to examine a few of the ways in which the individual methods which parents adopt in the handling of their small children are defined or modified by the intricate pattern of cultural pressures to which they find themselves subject .
18 Could they legitimately take from man those primary rights by virtue of which they have their existence , they would destroy their own foundation , break the moral chain , give a chaotic impulse in the universe and introduce confusion , in the works of Him who is not the God of confusion but of order .
19 Continuing our series on computing , this week we move from the more technical aspects of their working to consider ways in which they affect our routine and everyday lives .
20 What is more , it is the individual speakers themselves who " identify the groups " on which they model their behaviour : the groups are thus the speakers ' own creations , not the creations of analysts .
21 He admired the traditional style of Scottish football for the ‘ finesse and cunning with which they invest their attack ’ .
22 And in Asturias 's Men of Maize , which deals with the expropriation of Indian communal lands for the commercial exploitation of maize , the Guatemalan Indians ' resistance to the destruction of their way of life is waged not only with arms , but also through the myths by which they preserve their concept of the world .
23 I have also noticed their peculiar handshake and the strange , but identical , way in which they fold their match programmes 42 times .
24 Students should be encouraged to self-monitor through using a simple form on which they record their attendance and punctuality .
25 Left to their own devices , most roses tend to develop new growth into which they direct their sap and energy , bear bloom , and which then — as it becomes old and tired — gradually either becomes starved , by-passed , neglected and finally aborted as the plant constantly turns its attention to new growth , or it develops a barky exterior layer as it settles down to becoming no more than a main road communicating between the raw material goods received from the warehouse in the soil and the production factory upstairs — quite often , a very long way upstairs .
26 This explains the fervour with which they perform their outreach work .
27 By immersing students within the community and employing professionals from other disciplines to present insights which are different from , though complementary to , those of teacher trainers , the Centre encourages students to question the very basis on which they plan their teaching programme .
28 They then use the shorter needle-sharp lower mandible to cut a slit into the flower through which they insert their tongue .
29 Grossard declared that it was the ‘ marriage of our wines to which they owe their goodness ’ .
30 Four electric rubbish trucks in Japan are running on batteries which are charged using electricity generated by the incinerator plant to which they deliver their rubbish .
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