Example sentences of "which he have make [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Would he have flung the bitter allegations and repeated the damning indictment of her which he had made at the time of Simon 's death ?
2 There is so much in this strain that some of Andrewes ' biographers have tended to suggest that he was tormented by shame for the compromises which he had made with evil at Court and above all for his actions in the Essex divorce .
3 The first was that during the dispute of 14 June to 5 August 1911 , Wilson undercut an agreement which he had made with the Clyde shipowners for a minimum of £pound5 10s a month by " temporarily patching up his bitter quarrel with the Shipping Federation and simultaneously accepting an all-round payment of £pound5 a month " which the shipowners were eventually forced to increase to the Glasgow level as standard .
4 He repeated the threats which he had made on Aug. 1 , including that of allowing the full force of the Gramm-Rudman cuts to become operational .
5 This was seen by some as an attempt to improve his image abroad after remarks which he had made during the presidential election campaign to the effect that he was " untainted " with Jewishness .
6 Major General Sir William Dornberg received the pencil-written despatch in the town hall at Mons which he had made into his headquarters , and where he had transformed the ancient council chamber into his map room .
7 His first sound film had been Hallelujah , which he had made for MGM in 1929 .
8 He had no doubt that his own recognition of Urban II was irreversible ; but he could not commit the kingdom of England to the choice which he had made in common with the rest of Normandy .
9 These were mere fragments of the complex arrangements which he had made in order to secure his throne , and they were entirely necessary to Henry if he was to have sufficient support among those families — perilously few and divided in their allegiance — who alone could ensure his survival as king of England .
10 He was able to satisfy Royalist investigators that an out-payment which he had made in connection with the king 's trial and execution had simply been a routine matter , in no way implicating him in the actual regicide .
11 President Roh Tae Woo formally left the ruling Democratic Liberal Party ( DLP ) on Oct. 5 in accordance with the promise which he had made in mid-September to create a politically neutral administration in advance of December 's presidential elections [ see p. 39096 ] .
12 It could be said the key to his personality and the contribution which he has made to the diocese of Middlesbrough as Bishop is unfolded in an eloquent way by the new Cathedral which he caused to be built .
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