Example sentences of "which i [adv] [vb past] to " in BNC.

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1 In both cases I worked on oil on panel which I later fixed to the walls .
2 The landlord wants a months deposit and another month 's rent in advance which I already paid to the agency .
3 As time went on , and particularly by the early Seventies , I began to question whether one could take this point of view in a situation where things were going on which I clearly saw to be ‘ bad ’ .
4 Well this year 's capital expenditure will be around twenty five million and last year 's figure was twenty three million the point I was making in the speech was that twenty three million included nine million pounds for the , we must have some static in our nine million pounds for the purchase of freeholds , erm but the capital expenditure this year is spread right across the operation includes introduction of erm re-fits in a number of stores includes expansion in France , investment in systems and hardware and indeed also includes ah about five million pounds for a retail park development which I also referred to the park development on which we have an interest in the sense that we are developing an M F I store .
5 ‘ I began reading politics early on but also my parents taught me that the greatest value was compassion , which I undoubtedly linked to the Labour Party . ’
6 We 've also submitted er on your behalf er motions to the er regional conference er and to the er Cardiff er federal conference , which I mistakenly referred to as a national conference .
7 Even the family allowances , though based in their present form upon the experience and conditions of the inter-war years — when Seebohm Rowntree 's surveys in York suggested that one male in four earned less than was necessary to maintain a man , wife and two children above the poverty line — consist of a simple system of payments and enter into budgetary habits and expectations no more and no less than the fiscal allowances , of which I once suggested to a CPC conference they might be regarded as an extension .
8 We did a great deal of work with music and in listening to sounds and in rhythms , and then a lot of work in which I actually read to him and he followed all the time what I was reading , so that he would try to link the sounds and the words together .
9 Looking through the contents list of the first edition of Observations , I cam across the following titles — ‘ Money from SOED ’ , ‘ Local Authority Support for Teacher Research ’ , ‘ Classroom Observation ’ and ‘ Your Observations ’ , and I realised that the report of a small scale study which I recently submitted to RIU contained all these features .
10 So I got er experience of three months now , that was really very nice experience which I always wanted to be a teacher although I did n't join here .
11 When I rejoined the conversation you were talking about your ‘ strikers ’ and your ‘ defenders ’ , by which I for a moment thought you meant the miners and their supporters , but which I then understood to be part of an extended football metaphor and to refer respectively to your Policy Unit and your Private Office .
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