Example sentences of "which [was/were] used [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The pope , as St Peter 's heir and bishop of Rome , needed episcopal orders — the highest orders of the Church which gave the bishop power to ordain priests , confirm members of the Church and bless the holy oils which were used for ordinations and for the sick .
2 Most amphitheatres were very large and all important towns possessed their own which were used for displays of all kinds but particularly for gladiatorial combat and exhibitions .
3 Earlier remedies , which were used as tonics , restoratives or alternatives , were discarded as pharmaceutical flotsam by the tide of progress .
4 Study 5 used a methodology relatively similar to that of the Hughes and Cole ( 1986 ) laboratory study to describe the information which was available in some of the films which were used in Studies 2 and 3 .
5 He fell into a trench on land which was used by children as a play area .
6 In his early twenties Wordsworth wandered the roads himself in search of case histories — see Guilt and Sorrow or Old Man Travelling — and when he settled at Grasmere he lived alongside a road which was used by travellers to Whitehaven and to Scotland in bad weather ; Dorothy 's Journals are full of encounters with wanderers .
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