Example sentences of "which [was/were] [vb pp] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Still , the limping aircraft , which were assumed to be carrying arms , were not challenged .
2 This term was reserved for the rural dialects , which had been legitimized by nineteenth-century investigations , and which were believed to be ‘ genuine ’ in a way that urban dialects are not .
3 During 1989 and early 1990 , in addition to the May and September 1989 attacks listed above ( both of which were believed to be connected with the Koskotas affair and with the November 17 Revolutionary Organization ) there were a number of small bomb attacks against cars and buildings , which caused material damage and sometimes injury but no deaths .
4 Indonesia had no claim to any of the islands , which were believed to be rich in oil .
5 Following the meeting a US military excavation team carried out its first MIA search in Cambodia ; it announced on March 23 that it had recently unearthed some remains which were believed to be of members of US television crews killed in Cambodia in 1970 .
6 Management could be faced ‘ with severe economic losses if it failed to take into account their views , or to win their consent on issues which were felt to be of major importance by the workforce ’ ( p. 314 ) .
7 This was undoubtedly due partly to the war and partly because the statutes contained criteria which were felt to be less justiciable : if the minister stated that a regulation concerning trademarks was necessary for securing the safety of the realm the court would not adjudicate upon this .
8 Some , however , were concerned about the nature of the play activities , almost all of which were seen to be based on some kind of violence .
9 Their memorandum on US policy towards Indo-China recognized the possibility that without what it called ‘ a bolder political approach ’ the French — and the US — might well be heading into a debâcle which neither could afford ; but the drastic political measures which were reckoned to be necessary would have to be a matter for voluntary decision by the French government .
10 It is difficult to achieve truly three-dimensional accuracy with this method , but mathematical precision was not a prime requirement in Roman commissions , most of which were intended to be displayed in a setting with a restricted angle of view .
11 As delivered , Nos. 36–45 and 56–60 were mounted on Mountain & Gibson 7 ft. 6 in. 21EM trucks , which were intended to be a copy of the Brill 21E design in defiance of American patents .
12 It began as a protest against the alleged peremptory nature of the decision by the NCB to close some working coal mines which were said to be uneconomic .
13 The music halls , professional football , the ‘ penny dreadful ’ comics and the ‘ penny bloods ’ which were said to be inducements to crime and immorality , the rowdy presence of working-class people at seaside resorts on Bank Holiday excursions , the evening promenade of young people that was ridiculed by their elders as the ‘ monkey parade ’ , the depravity and violence associated with the pub — they all came under attack at different times .
14 South Korea called on the North to accept inspection of its nuclear facilities , which were said to be well advanced in developing a nuclear device [ see p. 38396 ] .
15 Earlier the court had been shown a quantity of bricks and stones some of which were said to be bloodstained , and a heavy iron bar .
16 Disillusion grew as the list of names which were destined to be graven into the monument at Alexandra Square slowly grew .
17 All schools could identify additional resources , ( for instance , computers , a music laboratory , enhanced INSET , staff ) that had been purchased and which were perceived to be available entirely as a result of devolution .
18 There are numerous records of actions being taken against plays which were considered slanderous to nobles or which were perceived to be in political opposition to government policy , such as Middleton 's cause célèbre , A Game of Chess , which opposed James 's accommodating attitude towards Spain and attracted the protest of the Spanish ambassador .
19 Relations improved with Egypt and Syria , while Yemen and Jordan , both of which were perceived to be sympathetic to Iraq [ see pp. 37728 ; 37927 ] , became increasingly marginalized ; in addition full diplomatic relations were re-established with the Soviet Union [ see below ] .
20 If that was correct , there could be no question of any infringement of articles 7 and 221 , which were expressed to be without prejudice to the other provisions of the E.E.C .
21 These villages lie way beyond the reach of limited government services , which were shown to be in crisis last year when the island group was added to the United Nations ' list of Least Developed Countries ( LDCs ) .
22 In general , the NCp7 mutants which were shown to be active in promoting NCp7:RNA interactions ( 6 ) ( dimerization and annealing of the primer tRNA to the PBS ) interacted effectively with HIV-1 DNA fragments , indicating that the same residues are involved .
23 FEARS were expressed yesterday that safety plans for North Sea platforms may put too much emphasis on equipment and hardware , rather than management and human factors , which were shown to be a main contributory cause of the Piper Alpha disaster .
24 The unity of the New Testament , the fact that it contains not every Christology , but only those which were judged to be faithful to the original testimony , reflect the origin of the gospel in the one unique person of Jesus ( Newbigin 1978:176 ) .
25 The cordones were units of industrial organisation made up of workers from various enterprises , which were brought into being by the Bosses ' strike in October 1972 .
26 Privatization would fall into two categories : the sale of state-owned shops and restaurants , which had in fact been under way since May 1 ; and the sale of state-owned factories and enterprises , 40 per cent of which were envisaged to be in private hands within three years .
27 When Mandru was in residence , he commanded a performance at least once a day as part of his Ixmaritian devotions , which were rumoured to be half-hearted at best .
28 These costs are partly offset by revenues from the sale of the signal to other users , which were estimated to be £235,000 during the experiment .
29 Thrifts were banned by law from investing in equities which were deemed to be too risky .
30 In this manner , representations painted in simple style which were meant to be graphically reproduced in a catalogue for a mass audience , shifted into the form of a more elaborately produced and unique art object intended for private tastes .
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