Example sentences of "which [art] [noun pl] [verb] was " in BNC.

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1 The small meadow in which the Brownies met was dotted with clumps of bushes and young trees , and most other parts of Longreen Park were wooded , so it could be understood why a pilot should choose what looked like a clear open green space to land his plane on .
2 The Divisional Court said that this did not matter and was not caught by section 78 , which the judges stressed was concerned with no more than the narrow question of the effect of the police practice on the fairness of the proceedings in court .
3 They set off through the drizzling rain , climbing the steep path up the rock which the monks said was popularly known as Arthur 's Seat .
4 Within the narrative of Greenblatt 's book — opening with him considering the ‘ magic ’ of Shakespeare revivifying the dead in Greenblatt 's own voice , concluding with Greenblatt considering Shakespeare as substitute fetish for the book which the natives believed was stealing their life — this latter story also stands as a type of anecdote or fable about part of New Historicism 's critical enterprise .
5 It was true they were very quiet which the Girls thought was a combination of shyness and the language barrier .
6 The land into which the Russians advanced was similar in many ways to Canada in terms of terrain , climate and natural vegetation .
7 The oddity which the fellow-curates remarked was that as he walked in the procession from the vestry up the aisle he could be heard whistling .
8 The premise on which the donors worked was that large amounts of capital could be absorbed by small African countries because their need for productive investment was demonstrably high .
9 Delimitis erm Delimitis was the case of one which the commissions noticed was grounded erm , your Lordship of course has the right to seek information to the commission to seek erm information as to the status of the proceedings , whether the commission have any market reports which maybe useful and so on
10 As society changed further , and especially as the political independence of the courts within which the poets worked was weakened and finally lost , the social relations changed again , and the literary organization became at once more specialized and more socially disconnected .
11 ( 2 ) In the La Pintada case the extension of the common law for which the plaintiffs contended was inconsistent with ‘ the manifest policy ’ of the legislature : see p. 131 .
12 And when we got to the other end one of the lads actually walked in and did a waltz into the school with it which the kids thought was great .
13 The vast block of land over which the Merovingians ruled was essentially treated as two different units ; on the one hand there was the north and the east , that is the territories which had been controlled by the Franks before the " Vouillé " campaign , together with the Burgundian kingdom ; on the other there was Provence and the lands captured from the Visigoths .
14 The fusion of the figure and its surroundings on which the Italians insisted was something that the Cubists had already achieved , and although the Futurists went further and added that the painting must be a synthesis of things seen and things remembered , visible and invisible , this had very little effect on the means employed .
15 Their Holden Racing Team ( HRT ) Commodore V8 , which the pundits claimed was dated and slow , outlasted a pack of Ford Sierras and a Nissan Skyline GT-R to take the flag a mere 15sec ahead of Paul Radisich and Jeff Allam , driving Dick Johnson 's second Shell Sierra Cosworth .
16 Given that framework , the glaring injustice to which the Whigs pointed was that the distribution of seats in Parliament should secure the ‘ representation of green mounds , of stone wall , even of a pig sty , while many of our most populous manufacturing towns remain unrepresented ’ ; that one propertied class should be overwhelmingly represented while another had so little say in Parliament .
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