Example sentences of "which [vb mod] [verb] you [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is an unpleasant discovery which may shock you into giving up and returning to the relative comfort of Stage 1 .
2 Tobacco and cocaine are harmful but , again , tobacco is almost universally allowed , whereas most readers of The Economist live in countries which may imprison you for possessing cocaine .
3 We are always delighted to send you information about courses , prospectuses and ( later this year ) to send you a new video about the University which may help you in advising your own pupils about the possibilities and benefits of following a course at Birmingham .
4 There are several good catalogues which you can obtain and which may supply you with new ideas ( see book list , page 136 ) .
5 In this factsheet we suggest possible sources of help for services or improvements to you home ; suggest ways of finding companions or live-in help ; and list some benefits which may assist you in paying for help .
6 There will also be makeovers , cosmetics , new hair products and techniques and nail treatments which should provide you with lots of ideas .
7 The first is a totalizing strategy which dissolves every distinction into the all-inclusive distinction of race : for example you are always and already defined as Jewish irrespective of age , class , gender , culture , or any other feature which might place you in a category with non-Jews .
8 That way you will not burn off too many calories which might prevent you from increasing muscle size .
9 Take particular trouble with any which might present you with difficulties and have a credible reply worked out to sidestep -problem areas .
10 And if you do agree to them , but later have second thoughts , seek expert advice before doing anything which might expose you to legal action , or to the risk that the instalment payments will be stopped .
11 Although there are certain pills which might help you at present , from what you have told me I suspect your own very real aversion to having a child is fairly deep-seated .
12 A tablespoon of bran , which might provide you with the same amount of fibre , is not nearly so nutritious .
13 The factors which would influence you in deciding on the form of business include :
14 Yet we blame the Germans for not defying a regime which would melt you into soap .
15 and , you do n't see that wee bit through there which would take you into that bedroom there
16 Insurance is available quite cheaply which would safeguard you in such an event .
17 Imagine , for instance , a flying machine which will transport you from London to Geneva . ’
18 For Christmas Day there 's nothing better than a sparkler which will carry you through any first course .
19 Such themes are there if you choose to identify them but they are woven through a tightly-written narrative which will hold you from beginning to end .
20 A message appears which will prompt you for the following information :
21 A message will appear which will prompt you for the following information : ready archive output volume , reply CUU
22 You must include the answers to the questions " of what ? " and " by whom ? " , which will lead you into defining your target audiences .
23 They know how to set traps , they know how to ask you questions which will lead you into using emotive words , they will have you on tape , they will also possibly be in a position to edit that tape , and at the end of the day you can not say , ‘ I did n't say that , ’ because I have a piece of tape that says you actually did say it .
24 Rather , learn from your actions and then choose the path which will lead you to inner peace and self-respect .
25 During your course you will be involved in a wide range of activities which will involve you in meetings both formal and informal .
26 The main discount is the single occupant discount which will entitle you to 25% off your bills .
27 In addition to this , every member will receive a Leisure Card which will entitle you to discounts of up to 50% on up to 350 Days Out around Great Britain .
28 type : which will place you in the subdirectory called Letters , regardless of where it is in your structure .
29 There are also a number of excellent books on specialist painting and decorating techniques which will provide you with inspiration as well as practical help .
30 So there are , there are problems with this sort of policy in terms of , of the , like the economic logic of it is that yes you go for a rich peasant economy which creates inequalities which will provide you with industrialization , which will then enable you to get back to inequalities but , in term back to equality
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