Example sentences of "which [vb past] [adj] [noun] at " in BNC.

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1 The press made much of his brother Geoffrey 's Chairmanship of the Tramway Museum Society , which operated vintage trams at its Museum in Derbyshire .
2 Working mothers today suffer from a problem which beset middle-class matrons at the turn of the century — you just ca n't get the staff .
3 If the Prime Minister really wants to help the British people , he should use Maastricht to give us a system which will promote balanced regional economic development throughout the United Kingdom , attack some of the social ills and divisions which beset British society at present and , finally , enhance not detract from the quality of British democracy .
4 Tradition required not only that she rot in constricted shade with the disintegrating corpse of her husband , but that she also eat a special diet for the entire period , which excluded any rice at all .
5 Florey 's team produced material which stopped bacterial growth at the remarkable dilution of two parts per million .
6 Those readers who remember the 1951 Festival of Britain in London will no doubt recall the shot tower which attracted much attention at the time .
7 Stoutt presented a budget on Feb. 20 , 1990 , which estimated recurrent expenditure at US$37,900,000 .
8 Within Europe , relaxation was led by the UK , which abolished all controls at the end of 1979 .
9 The Sainsbury 's which opened last November at Torquay has a shopping arcade of 38,000 sq ft , with parking for 600 cars .
10 He owned some dozen oils , twenty or so large drawings , and fifty-five vignettes , all of which fetched high prices at sales from the collection during his lifetime and after his death .
11 THE IRA bomb which killed two soldiers at Belfast 's Musgrave Park Hospital put almost 50 per cent of the hospital 's civilian beds out of commission and halted orthopaedic surgery , it was revealed yesterday .
12 Police are trying to find out if a fire which killed three men at a rest home in Harrogate in North Yorkshire was started deliberately .
13 POLICE are investigating a fire which killed 250 pigs at Scotland 's largest pig farm .
14 Also at Duxford is the Old Flying Machine Company 's Hunter F. Mk. 6A G-BUEZ , which spent many years at the Empire Test Pilots School at Farnborough and Boscombe Down as XF375 before being retired as an instructional airframe at Cranwell in 1982 .
15 The complex project , which employed 7,500 people at the height of construction , will continue to provide substantial numbers of jobs to contractors , in support of commissioning , for the rest of 1992 .
16 Areas , in which deeper erosions persisted , were largely identical with those areas which exhibited haemorrhagical damage at the macroscopic level .
17 Friendly fire is included ; that 's the euphemism which aroused such anger at the Gulf War inquest in Oxford this spring .
18 What were the central features of this democracy , which aroused such controversy at the time , and still provokes debate today ?
19 He became a keen supporter of the BAAS , founding a club which gathered each year at the meetings , for conviviality and science .
20 The chronometers , now kept in full working order at the observatory were clocks which kept accurate time at sea , solving the problem of determining longitude and paving the way for some of the greatest world discoveries .
21 Now , less than ten years later , a blind eye was turned to this " circumstance " , for it was offset by the market potential of Spain , which offered plentiful labour at cheap prices and some thirty million consumers-in-the-making .
22 The event , which spanned two days at the Gilbertson Park ground in Lerwick , received financial support from Sullom Voe .
23 On the morning of our departure we managed eventually to get the TAF for Porto , which gave 4 ST at 600 , TEMPO 1 CB at 1,300 , with the 0730 actual giving 1 CB at 2,000 .
24 The British navy which had 76,000 sailors at the end of the Seven Years War in 1763 , for example , had only 17,500 in the following year .
25 He does not , however , make the powerful point which had some currency at the time , that even were there universally accepted beliefs which were innate , this would not make them true , and so something we knew .
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