Example sentences of "which [vb past] [prep] [det] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , the threatened coal strike of 1925 , which occurred at more or less the same time , seemed to confirm this impression .
2 Yarnell launched 150 of his aircraft which arrived in less than an hour over Oahu , he now had the capability of destroying the ships that lay in Pearl Harbor .
3 In our case , by starting two small congregations which began with fewer than forty , the total number of those attending on Sunday mornings grew from around 200 to around 400 as a result of this strategy .
4 Grants for ploughing grassland and cereal deficiency payments made barley more profitable than sheep , numbers of which fell by more than half between 1926 and 1954 .
5 A change of policy was adopted which resulted in more than half the staff working in areas of economic importance .
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