Example sentences of "which [vb past] [prep] [adj] years " in BNC.

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1 Black people are now moving back to the People 's National Movement , which ruled for 30 years before Mr Robinson came to power .
2 The oldest known tree was a bristlecone pine in Nevada which lived for 5100 years .
3 The rich merchants contributed to the magnificent civic building which arose in those years ; the town and guild halls , exchanges , municipal belfries , warehouses and city houses .
4 Thus the generation 1690–1720 saw a considerable transference of real power from the King to Parliament , partly as a result of specific acts of legislation and partly because of the enormous changes in the country 's fiscal system and relationship to Europe which occurred in these years .
5 During its passage through the House of Commons , however , an amendment was introduced by spokesmen for groups of employers , and reluctantly accepted by Fisher , which postponed for seven years the continuation class clauses for those aged between 16 and 18 .
6 After all , the boycott punished those whom there could be no intention to punish , and it made no difference to tourism , which boomed during those years .
7 This battle which lasted for forty years ended in the passing of the Medway Conservancy Act of 1881 .
8 The turning-point in Lynn 's career came in 1922 when Leslie Henson and Tom Walls [ qq.v. ] cast him in Tons of Money , a sparkling farce which ran for two years at the Shaftesbury Theatre .
9 Mrs Dale 's Diary , which ran for twenty-one years on BBC radio from 1948 , was always gently laced with humour ; its rural rival , The Archers , which began two years later , is a broadly similar amalgam of the playful and the sentimental ; and between them , in a sub-literary sort of way , they illustrate the power of a revived realism in post-war Britain : quite different from the grand-opera histrionics of American TV soaps like Dallas or Dynasty , which are scarcely funny at all , at least in intention , and wildly unrealistic as images of how the rich in the United States really live .
10 This most popular show , which ran for 12 years and hooked 22 million viewers at its peak , operated under all the usual constraints of economy sit-com — restricted set , small cast , tiresome re-establishment of norm every week — but somehow extracted magic from little more than the relationship between Harry H Corbett and Wilfrid Brambles .
11 What 's in the Box ? was one of the greatest successes of 1953 , and in 1960 Steen 's purchase of the King 's Theatre off Shaftesbury Avenue heralded a string of commercial triumphs , including One Thing After Another , which ran for three years , and , currently , Sex of One and Half a Dozen of the Other .
12 In the Esso case both Lords Hodson and Pearce specifically rested their judgments in striking down a solus agreement which extended to 21 years on the basis of public policy .
13 Likewise the middle-aged mother may also have had aspirations which had for many years been put aside until her parenting responsibilities were at an end .
14 Similar assumptions were made by those authorities , like the London County Council , which had for some years been committed to the development of comprehension .
15 He won 31 caps — a record which stood for 42 years .
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