Example sentences of "which [noun prp] [vb past] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A note crept into Nina 's voice which Alexandra recognized with surprise as pleading .
2 It was just after 9 p.m. that a PC arrived from the railway station carrying a small brown envelope , which Morse accepted with delight , smiling radiantly at Lewis but saying nothing as he slit open the top and looked briefly inside .
3 Though fragmented and incomplete , the play reveals the extent to which Minton identified with Hopkin , for the story acts like a parable on his own loss of identity within the creation of a myth .
4 The sea had become a green-black pool spread with foam less than a hundred feet in circumference in which Trent steered by instinct .
5 It was of course a Whig jibe about his resistance to the Reform Bill and an indirect allusion to the iron shutters which Wellington installed at Apsley House to withstand the missiles of pro-Reform Bill mobs in the early 1830s .
6 Lady Hamilton ( 1941 , That Hamilton Woman in US ) , which Korda made in America with Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier , works most of the time as a love story , but the messages that constantly obtrude about men whose ‘ insane ambition ’ makes them want to destroy what others had built are not organic to the main narrative .
7 ‘ It 's a long story , which Ellis extracted from Gooseneck this morning .
8 There was a simple ordinariness about those brief appearances , during which Marcus enquired about Patrick 's health ; but how long could ordinariness continue and what would happen next ?
9 Hundreds of Teesside families are being asked this week to pull their caravans off the Stockton site by April 31 , which Keepsafe opened without permission in 1989 .
10 That this was a matter of interest and concern in Northumbria in the early 730s is clear from Bede 's letter to Ecgberht in 734 in which Bede expounded at length on the necessity for more bishops and a proper organization of the Northumbrian Church under an archbishop at York .
11 He rapidly became one of the prince 's closest friends , accompanying him on his crusade of 1270–2 and appearing as one of his executors in the will which Edward made at Acre in June 1272 .
12 In addition , the castles which Edward built in Wales were as awesome in their costs as they were to behold .
13 He gave Chelsea an indirect free-kick in the box which Wise touched to David Lee .
14 There are a couple of things I would like to say one is that you will find people have asked regards the paper which David mentioned in Northern Ireland that has been distributed it was pinned to another sheet of paper erm , headed The Last Attempt and there are more copies available it 's simply to know where to find that .
15 They were working at about the same time as Turner and Constable and shared those artists ’ concerns in relation to painting directly from nature , which Dahl described as Naturvei — nature 's Way .
16 The analytical core which Keynes shared with Pigou did not extend to their respective prognoses of how an economy responds to excess supply in the labour market .
17 A variety of short term appointments followed , including a year at Harvard , after which Roberts went to Massachusetts Institute of Technology .
18 Equations which Spenser made between religion , class , morality , and self-control ( especially in sexual matters ) as a register of civility or savagery , and ultimately of good or evil , may be found uncannily , certainly uncomfortably , circulating within our current social discourses .
19 On the book 's back cover is an elegant serene photograph of his sunken garden four august boulders scattered in a brick pattern , sprinkled with water which Noguchi built in New York 's Chase Manhattan Bank Plaza in 1964 .
20 In fact , as John Burrow has shown ( Burrow , 1966 ) a lot of this material ante-dated The Origin of Species ; the concept of ‘ the survival of the fittest ’ ( Spencer 's own phrase ) was already implicit in earlier sociological work which Spencer derived from Malthus .
21 That confiture d'oignons , for instance , for which the recipe appeared in Michel Guérard 's Cuisine Gourmande and which has since made the tour du monde surely derived from Pomiane 's dish of sweet-sour onions in which the sweetening elements were sultanas and pain d " épices , the spiced honey cake of central Europe , and which Pomiane had in turn borrowed from the Jewish cookery of his native Poland .
22 The lure of big money was on the way and director Bob Rafelson had fortunately obtained Jack 's signature for another BBS film before the price went up and put him back on track as a counter-culture player , a route which Nicholson analysed in terms of the way he wanted his career to go .
23 The burden which Christian carries on his back is the anvil which Bunyan humped through country lanes , encountering , like Christian , floods and mud and dangers of footpads .
24 Chief among these are Guardi 's , ‘ San Giorgio Maggiore and the tip of the Giudecca ’ ( est. $1–1.4 million ) which Ortiz-Patiño acquired from Agnew 's in 1983 , and ‘ View of the Grand Canal , with Palladio 's project for the Rialto Bridge ’ ( $600–800,000 ) only two of a total of eight works by the artist included in the sale .
25 In Ease and Endurance , the continuation of the autobiography which Boulestin wrote in French under the title of A Londres Naguère and which was published after his death in a somewhat harum-scarum translation by Robin Adair ( at one point Adair has Boulestin exploring the Cecil Hotel in a taxi ) , he tells how the place was crammed night after night with customers from the Savoy , Ritz and Carlton belt , stage stars , artists , writers , royalty and High Bohemia .
26 There were dwarf fan palms where lazy lizards sought shade from the hot sun and thick-leaved aloes which Ruth skirted with care — the points were like needles .
27 Neither did the square-tailed kite , which Gould found near Scone , receive mercy at the end of Gould 's barrel .
28 When he was well enough , a makeshift court was set up in the hospital for a 30-minute hearing into which Broderick hobbled on crutches .
29 The King of Spain got money from his empire in the form of bullion from its mines and , after the 60-year period from 1580 to 1640 in which Spain ruled over Portugal , so did the Portuguese empire .
30 Ari 's shoulders slumped , which Roirbak interpreted as relief .
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