Example sentences of "which [adv] the [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 But the delay was sufficient to postpone the encounter which both the Duke and Prince Charles — though not the latter 's generals — were seeking , though hostility to the retreating invaders was visibly growing .
2 The three most probable sources of delay will by now have passed : obtaining a local land charges certificate of search ( unless with your client 's approval you 've sacrificed this sacred cow for a personal search ) ; the buyer obtaining a mortgage advance ; and the survey report , which both the buyer and the buyer 's mortgagee will have required .
3 The enterprises have also come to play a symbolic role in broader governmental strategies , epitomizing , for example , certain styles of managerial behaviour and of labour relations which both the Conservative and the PSOE have aimed to reform .
4 Having held a senior position in another school , the newcomer was in a position to add status to the library venture as well as filling the gap in management which both the head and deputy had identified .
5 The particular characteristics of a school — time and timetables , fact and figures , books and writing , tests and class orders — belong to a category of ideas which are separate from those in the village and which both the teacher and the parent accept as school business .
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