Example sentences of "which [pers pn] was [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I now return to the computational work in which I was engaged during these years .
2 In the 1970s , as a Whitehall journalist with a historical background and an interest in political science , I found myself reading the Cabinet papers of the Attlee Administration as each new batch was declassified and comparing the performance of the Labour governments of 1945–51 with those of Wilson ( 1974–6 ) and Callaghan ( 1976–9 ) which I was engaged in reporting .
3 One of the most powerful forms of learning to which I was exposed on my course was active collaborative work .
4 This was also the first of many operations at Poole in which I was involved on the cutters .
5 No excitement in my life has ever quite equalled the tense fifteen minutes during which I was connected to that fish .
6 There was an element of criticism there of which I was informed by the Chief Whip and the Lord Chancellor , just as there was an element of criticism of Hailsham , and it seemed quite possible that the Whips would prefer a compromise candidate .
7 This was a foreign land , peopled not only by my superiors , for that applied to everyone I 'd ever known , from the hole in Mother woman through which I was expelled to the hole in the Mother earth by which I 'd be swallowed ; but by those who were superior to my early superiors ; probably the most superior peoples in the entire world .
8 The version with which I was introduced to my housemaster role in the prison service by an experienced principal officer was ‘ One thing more difficult than a busy Borstal boy is an idle Borstal boy . ’
9 Spain had friends elsewhere : on 8 June 1947 the wife of the Argentinian dictator , Eva Perón , began an official visit to Spain , during which she was displayed as a symbol of Argentinian solidarity to crowds of Spaniards anxious for a glimpse of " Evita " .
10 And so here she was , one snail crawl through the blizzard to Kennedy , a five-hour delay and a flight in which she was wedged between a nun who prayed aloud every time they hit an air-pocket , and a child in need of worming , later .
11 Having opened with an 83 , Moodie yesterday returned a 78 in which she was cheered by the news from home that she had been awarded a golf scholarship at the University of Hawaii .
12 They look like extras from Mary Poppins , ’ she joked.A visit to the home of an old Nepali woman in Dharan town left her moved.As she came out of the tiny thatch-roofed hut with mud floors and no electricity , in which she was huddled with the old woman for several minutes , she said : ‘ I shall never complain again . ’
13 She said he was driving the car into which she was dragged after being grabbed from behind .
14 ZeeBeeCee has gained a court order allowing access to Jessamyn Bonney 's juvenile records , stored in the central infonet of the Bruyce-Hoare Agency , and we can exclusively reveal for the first time on national television that evidence which has come to light since her 1992 parricide hearing has suggested that she was indeed guilty of the murder of her father , a crime for which she was acquitted in court on the testimony of one Andrew Jean , since deceased , a gangcult associate and known perjurer . ’
15 Her previous recording with Sir Charles Groves featured Crusell 's Second Concerto , in which she was partnered by the English Chamber Orchestra , and it became evident from our conversation that she had been especially happy to work with Sir Charles once again , in this new recording of English music for clarinet and orchestra .
16 While she was trying to do this , he went to the apartment and beat her , wounding her in the head for which she was treated at hospital .
17 Although Joan mostly worked as a Spool Setter , she became an Axminster Winding Instructor for a period during which she was sent to a subsidiary company in Holland ( Bergos Stoddard ) for a number of weeks .
18 Then came the birthday tea , at which she was presented with a planted basket of flowers , a much-signed card from all her Medau friends , a bone china tea service , pink rosebuds , and a basket filled with fruit and some of her favourite delicacies .
19 Mrs Mandela , self-styled ‘ mother of the nation ’ , pointedly omitted to mention her position on the ANC 's National Executive Committee , the top policy-making body , to which she was appointed by a ballot among members .
20 She had also decided to invite Louise and Miriam , whom she wanted to impress with her domestic abilities , but only after a struggle in which she was torn between the pleasure of impressing them and the displeasure of having two more women and thereby disturbing what she considered to be a favourable balance of the sexes .
21 Christina Onassis suffered in spades and there is something of Greek tragedy about her increasingly desperate search for the human affection of which she was starved as a child .
22 She also became anorexic later — a state from which she was rescued by an early marriage at the age of sixteen .
23 This enchanting white-faced chestnut could be excitable before her races — it was the Royal Hunt Cup winner Come On The Blues , her travelling companion and calming influence , on whom she had her crush — but was admirably genuine , and her home-stretch surge to bring British racing its first great triumph in the Breeders ' Cup ensured that the affection in which she was held during her racing career would not fade .
24 What was significant was the awe in which she was held by her two senior colleagues , but not so by Mr Straw .
25 With the girl 's clothes we should be able to trace her back at least to the point at which she was dropped during the night — or I hope so , after all that rain .
26 The family has already asked for an investigation into her death by officials at Winterton psychiatric hospital , Sedgefield , from which she was discharged for weekend leave a day before she died on Sunday .
27 As a three-year-old she won the Nell Gwyn Stakes at Newmarket before coasting home by three lengths in the One Thousand Guineas , after which she was sold by owner-breeder Captain Marcos Lemos to Sheikh Mohammed .
28 A short time before his death Harry Chapman had left his Hampshire rest home to stay at Herbert 's home in Oakwood , Leeds , and the care with which he was attended in his last days showed his elder brother 's family loyalty and devotion .
29 McKenzie looked as if he might have done enough to retain his crown after coming back from a ninth-round crisis in which he was floored by a two-punch combination to the body .
30 Thus , the Dundee tribunal has decided in the unreported case of Cox v Dundee Corporation ( 1974 ) that a man dismissed following a conviction in the Burgh Court for breach of the peace , for which he was sentenced to thirty days , had been treated unfairly .
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