Example sentences of "which [adv] [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But they were the owners of the securities , and it was by their own mandate , which presumably they might have recalled , that payment was made directly to the beneficiary .
2 Her mother identified it as a wayfaring tree and she 'd been cutting it back during the summer and it did n't seem to mind but she 'd be very grateful for any information about the wayfaring tree which presumably she 'd like to keep and continue to grow in her garden .
3 So , in Brunyate 's opinion , although a statutory definition is possible , sufficient , even necessary , none the less in the end he somewhat surprisingly and complacently prefers ‘ judicial re-definition ’ , by which presumably he must mean judicial statement and restatement along traditional lines .
4 He argued that as soon as the council acknowledged their duty to secure accommodation for the plaintiff which they did by writing their letter of 8 March 1991 , the plaintiff acquired a private law right to the provision of suitable accommodation , which right he could enforce in the county court .
5 Many of our partners have a wholly different tradition of employment practice which is reflected in the separate arrangements which they have agreed , which will affect only their countries and for which only they will pay .
6 In one room two people are dancing to music which only they can hear .
7 What they miss , however , is a certain corrupt pleasure which only we can enjoy : the pleasure of memory made sweeter by the fact that such noxious art recalls it .
8 Do n't go when there are important tasks which only you can do .
9 The only thing I would add is that you need to find out what you are good at ; you need to find out what it is you can contribute which other people ca n't and that is something which only you can find out for yourself .
10 It seemed to her that her mind was like an overfilled glass which only she could hold steady .
11 He gazed at an ineffable , agonizing radiance which only he could perceive , banishing whatever throwback emotions the brew had triggered .
12 He pulled on a charming smile , inspired once again — or so it appeared to Dexter — by another private joke which only he could understand .
13 Even Mr Sugden made himself available to meet the visitor , ready to assume that here was the returning warrior , eager to see areas of the country which only he could recommend .
14 Jack took one gulp , said ‘ Lovely stuff , and went off to tune in to the King 's Speech on the secret wireless , which only he could operate .
15 Britain incidentally had two thousand times as , as many but I mean that 's the sort of contrast which perhaps you would expect .
16 My colleagues and I look forward to discussing with you ways in which together we can help your organisation fulfil that role during the decade ahead .
17 The jamming and bridging got steeper — with the one big consolation that , strength permitting , you could pop in nuts almost at will — until he reached a ledge which elsewhere he would have regarded as a slab to be climbed , but here seemed a spacious refuge .
18 It was an experience which normally they would repeat many times in their lives , for they were expected to return to their home territories at the end of a year-long contract .
19 Resolutely , and determined to think no more than she could help about it , she opened her new copy of the Church Times which normally she would have looked forward to reading on her journey home .
20 Spellbound , she could have stood there gazing indefinitely if her ankle , which unconsciously she 'd put weight on , had n't protested with a stab of pain .
21 The Times was highly critical of what it called ‘ these usurious companies ’ , but their creation was a genuine attempt by the government of the day to provide the less privileged members of society with a state money-lender which hopefully they would find more trustworthy than the neighbourhood pawnbroker ; and presumably each society 's secretary was able to provide some kind of money management advice to those who needed it .
22 For those living in residential care , more than half did not know the difference between private and public homes ( p. 187 ) , whilst two-thirds of residents said they had had no choice as to which home they might enter .
23 But I do realize that it does er have locational implication which possibly we can deal with on Tuesday .
24 He could not explain it , but his putting had gone to pieces for the past few months and he was missing shots which formerly he would have holed with ease .
25 The , what we 're talking about though forgetting the run-on costs which which really we can discount because they are negligible .
26 How she missed that time — those few weeks , which now she would have to live on for the rest of her life .
27 News which surely she might have expected to hear from him ?
28 They were ready to move on the appointed day and , at the end of the summer , they would begin the trek back to the village on their own , as soon as they smelt the smoke of the bonfires in which the thatch and the bedding from the shielings were destroyed , for reasons which today we might classify as ‘ environmental health ’ , but which , to the young folk of the shieling , was almost a ritual .
29 The formula is for a simple raspberry purée and cream mixture which today we should call a raspberry fool .
30 In such an organization you feel hemmed in by people who can refuse you permission to do something or who are only waiting to jump all over you if you appear to be taking the initiative , or achieving something which even they may recognize as being highly desirable , in ‘ the wrong way ’ .
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