Example sentences of "which [adv] [adj] [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 To retain the support of the landowners , the regime continued throughout the 1950s to channel state funds into the agricultural sector and to support it with protectionist policies which merely sustained inefficiency and low productivity .
2 On the first evening we had a lively dinner for the temporary extended family , during which much enthusiastic talking and a fair amount of equally enthusiastic drinking took place .
3 The Bishop of Chester proposed an amendment which still condemned lesbian and gay sex but put no obligation on bishops to punish in any way people who took part in it .
4 Non-resonant absorption of a photon , in which both surplus energy and surplus linear momentum are carried away by a photon of lower energy , is a much less favorable process .
5 In higher organisms one prime function of this system is the maintenance of consciousness as a kind of screen upon which both novel information and the background presentational continuum can be projected .
6 Thus we can see how the isolation of the Tsar and the grievances of the masses , especially after the Russia 's loss in the Russo-Japanese war ( which severely aggravated poverty and hardship ) forced the peasants and workers to widen their initial economic grievances into demands for political change .
7 Within this is a softer endocuticle , capable of increasing considerably through postecdysial deposition , and showing an elaborate ultrastructure in which variously oriented protein and chitin fibres form repeated layers 0.1 to 1 µm thick .
8 That 's aside from Iran-Contra which miraculously left Ron-bo and ‘ Poppy ’ Bush unscathed .
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