Example sentences of "which [adv] [verb] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In short , Labour and the Liberal Democrats will have the argument won for them on the ground — and as long as they locate their policies in terms of wealth creation , rather than punitive redistribution , the current election election result has given them a platform from which effectively to challenge for power next time round .
2 There are occasional species which apparently mate for life ( though imagine the opportunities for adultery on all those long-distance migratory swims and night flights ) ; but on the whole we see merely the exercise of power , dominance and sexual convenience .
3 Likely beneficiaries of a boom in personal computer sales include Lotus Development Corp , Microsoft and Borland International Inc , which together account for 90% of Japan 's spreadsheet market .
4 The best example of that is the Alpha 4 database programs , which normally sells for £345 , but for which only £49 needs to be paid if you 're a registered user — it 's gone from version 2 to version 3 , and has had a complete change of documentation .
5 The PL1 Onyx Diamond-Lite torch , which normally retails for £13.75 , is durable , shockproof and waterproof .
6 Research Triangle Park , North Carolina-based Alphatronix — which just opened for business in Birmingham , West Midlands , has announced what it calls the industry 's first open hierarchical storage management environment .
7 They say there are cheaper leisure stocks around such as Midsummer Leisure , which once bid for Boddies .
8 The ‘ space ’ which once existed for police and pickets to negotiate a mutually acceptable code of picket-line conduct has been closed off , as the miners and striking print workers discovered to their cost .
9 This is an evolutionary process and , while we must not pre-empt the various options which still remain for AEA 's future , neither must we lose our momentum and fail to make the progress we know is needed .
10 It is worth noting , however , that the spending priorities have not been radically dissimilar from those planned by the outgoing Labour government , which also planned for cuts in spending on education and housing and an expansion in spending on defence , law and order , and social security .
11 Thereafter there is a steeper ascent to Schangnau , 10km ( 6 miles ) south of Wiggen , a farming village which also caters for winter sports .
12 A hot water cylinder is traditionally put in a cupboard which also serves for airing clothes .
13 I 'm happy to see that the attitude of the C E C and of the General Secretary has changed radically , I would say , since last year , when it and they opposed the Liverpool motion , which also called for accountability of Labour councillors and M Ps .
14 The company , which made its name with the Microdata Reality version of Pick , running on machines built in-house , has been moving over to software and services , which now account for 58% of total business , and on the hardware side , the company now buys in its machines .
15 Consider finally how even the man of knowledge , when he compels his spirit to knowledge which is counter to the inclination of his spirit and frequently also to the desires of his heart — by saying No , that is , when he would like to affirm , love , worship — disposes as an artist in and transfigurer of cruelty ; in all taking things seriously and thoroughly indeed there is already a violation , a desire to hurt the fundamental will of the spirit , which ceaselessly strives for appearance and the superficial — in all desire to know there is already a drop of cruelty .
16 We wanted to attract mature students with a high level of skills and commitment and were able , through the Nuffield Foundation , to provide student grants for the first part of the course which either paid for secondment salaries of allowed people who were , for instance working interpreters , to forego part of their normal paid employment .
17 Several advantages can be identified , perhaps the most important of which is that it would remove the financial disincentive which currently exists for doctors , hospitals and Health Authorities to treat more patients .
18 No matter whether or not you have an assignment which specifically calls for image work , you are always doing image work on behalf of your client .
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