Example sentences of "which [pers pn] [vb -s] [conj] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Fighting stags , goats , hares , horses and dogs are all depicted in the exhibition created from wire , which she twists and weaves into shape .
2 In contrast to the main characters of Out and Such , the anonymous protagonist of Between appears to be relatively well adapted to the world in which she lives and travels .
3 Then this spell may be broken , for both her and the child , since the new baby represents yet another time-cycle which she carries and gives birth to .
4 I have been there nearly ten years now , and they are years in which I have grown to learn a good deal more about the power of the Holy Spirit , his gifts , his humbling and breaking , and the glorious way in which he takes and transforms congregations and lives from every conceivable background once opened to him .
5 Such ‘ status groups ’ , he suggests , engage in ‘ cultural defence ’ , which he describes as follows :
6 I have suggested that Truth for Gandhi is that which determines the spirit in which he lives , or the religious and ethical criteria which govern the way in which he thinks and acts .
7 Orc Warlord Dork leads a huge army of Orcs and Goblins to take the Dwarf hold of Karak Azgal which he destroys and abandons , leaving the secrets of its depths unexplored .
8 I say their contemplation can give no-one pleasure ; they are there because their absence would be resented by the average man who regards a large amount of futile display as in some way inseparable from the conditions of that well-to-do life to which he belongs or aspires to belong .
9 When Pip meets Miss Havisham and Estella he is no longer happy with himself or the way in which he lives and becomes very self-critical , he then tries to find contentment with money and becoming a gentleman but this fails .
10 He is accountable as a steward of the earth 's resources ; he is accountable for his own particular talents ; and he is accountable for the way in which he acquires and disposes of his wealth .
11 However , where a defendant does not reside or carry on business within the district of the court and he desires the action to be transferred to the court for the district in which he resides or carries on business , he may , after delivering a defence , counterclaim , or request for time for payment , apply ex parte in writing for an order to transfer the action to that court .
12 He 'll be running , batting in the nets and passing on tips to youngsters is an area in which he thrives and excels .
13 Drums in his ear , at which he starts and wakes ,
14 He often picks out distinct things which he notices and writes them down to make us ‘ see ’ for ourselves .
15 This cross-cultural spatial perspective complements the temporal perspective of the historian , which it enlarges and enriches .
16 It addresses certain key issues which continue to be troublesome : the selection of aspects of commercial law suitable for harmonization ; the level and scope of the harmonizing measure and the extent to which it does or does not displace conflict-of-laws rules ; the factors relevant to the method of harmonization and the likelihood of its success ; the problem of language ; the efficiency of the mechanism by which harmonizing measures are brought into existence and implemented by national legislation ; and , most crucial of all , the indifference , or even hostility , with which harmonization proposals continue to be greeted .
17 The exhibition or supply of any film , video or sound recording or any other publication shall be prohibited by law if the manner in which it depicts or describes violence or sexual activity or crime is such as , when taken as a whole , to encourage the imitation or toleration of behaviour which is seriously harmful to society by a significant proportion of those who are likely , having regard to all the relevant circumstances , to read , see , or hear the matter contained or embodied in it .
18 The dominant instance of a society is therefore that aspect of it which sustains the prevalent economic system by legitimating the way in which it produces and distributes wealth .
19 But this should not obscure from us the fact that Judaism resisted stoutly the prudery that stultified sexuality throughout the West , and always retained a high and honoured place for bodily functioning and its pleasures — as becomes indeed , a gift from God : ‘ Man and woman are one body and one soul , ( oneness reasserted , as ever ) , and it is this powerful union which it projects and enhances .
20 THE time has come round in the European Commission 's calendar ( see page 5 ) when another set of committee meetings will set out to define yet another ‘ framework ’ programme , the commission 's name for the programmes of largely applied research which it plans and administers on behalf of the European Communities ( EC ) .
21 In moral ( or human ) science , by contrast , we deal with that with which we have immediate contact within ourselves — the human spirit and the forms in which it expresses and manifests itself .
22 Section 261 clarifies the position of notes to the accounts ; references in the Act to the accounts ; include any notes to the accounts containing information which the Act requires to be given and which it requires or allows to be given in a note to the accounts .
23 By linking different parts of a discourse together and by reducing redundancy , verb-phrase anaphora contributes to the cohesion of the discourse ( that is , the extent to which it flows and holds together ) .
24 In the case of private industry there is a single , clear and unchanging primary objective , and management is free to optimise its behaviour in pursuit of that objective within a general framework of conditions imposed by law , practice , and opinion , which it hopes and expects will also be reasonably stable .
25 The underlying desire , which it disguises but feeds on , is ‘ for a new for a breaking down of environmental barriers , for an aesthetic which is not limited to the sphere of the ‘ artistic ’ ’ ( ibid : 36–7 ) .
26 There is a strange wistfulness in the speed with which it disperses and baffles our grasp .
27 Instead I have to start by describing something of the unease I feel about its use and study within the literature , and gradually move toward a position from which I can either offer a definition of labourism or construct boundaries within which it exists and operates .
28 At the beginning of each new shot , the tape first back-tracks over the last few seconds of the previous recording , after which it reverses and returns back to the edit-point during which the camcorder 's electronics find and lock onto the previously recorded control-pulses .
29 The court may not be stipulating a particular substantive conclusion ; it may however be explicitly or implicitly ruling out certain options by the way in which it addresses and answers the preceding issues .
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