Example sentences of "which [pers pn] could [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 By this time the " All Clear " sounded and there was a certain amount of light by which I could plainly see I was in what appeared to be an MT parking lot , When the rear gunner returned he reported that we were in the Manston MT yard .
2 Despite the instruction often given by teachers to emphasise personal involvement towards the end of an essay , you should avoid the sort of over-personalised ending found in this essay : After reading the first paragraph , I did n't expect such an exciting story , but gradually I got more and more involved in the narrative and finally overwhelmed by this splendid spectacle , which I could vividly visualise .
3 He suggested that I write about poor women , and the only way in which I could honestly do that was to go and live among them , and I knew that you and Uncle Orrin would never agree to that .
4 I joined in the debate because I felt that this was one issue to which I could meaningfully contribute .
5 … those countries which I could not visit in my proper person , I have so attentively read about , that as I turn round a globe I can almost fancy that I know the appearance and characters of the portions of the great world itself which lie mapped out under my eye , and observe all that is going forward on its surface .
6 Neil shook his head and made some gesture which I could not interpret , but as it was obvious that he , too , had seen Stormy Petrel and knew what he was about , I let it be .
7 ‘ You will add great distinction to the office in ways to which I could not aspire ; but I fear you will find a great deal of the work here work which does not really interest you . ’
8 " I was delayed to some extent because the address given to me was 626 Cheyne Walk , which I could not find , but eventually the river police directed me . "
9 Were naive enough to think they could get through it without having an appraisal system , which I could not believe .
10 But those four miles were like an ocean , which I could not cross !
11 I have often learned through dreams — frequently just floating snippets , as it were — things which I could not have learnt through my normal perceptions .
12 When Birkenhead left office in 1928 , Baldwin accepted his resignation with a reluctance which was convincing because honestly expressed : ‘ We shall part , on my side at least , with a feeling of personal regret which I could not have believed possible four years ago . ’
13 The following morning saw me back at the surgery in order to collect not only my screwdriver but also the death certificate , duly signed by two doctors ( yes , they had managed to find the mortuary ) , without which I could not obtain a Registration of Death certificate , without which Nigel could not be cremated .
14 So I would agree with what Tom said on the sort of , things , yeah , you know , knock that together , we 've got that on one piece of paper already that 's about two years out of date , well , was up to date two years ago , which I could probably dig out for you , and then erm we 've got , we can even do it from a European sort of view point , which just has a few things there that need taking up .
15 He showed me one , magnifying 520 times , made of yttrium-aluminium-garnet , an artificial gemstone , mounted against a microscope slide , through which I could clearly see the tadpole-shaped trypanosomes that cause sleeping sickness .
16 Pink-eyed and lachrymose , I returned to the lens boutique in the Earls Court Road ( on the cornea actually ) and complained bitterly that the lenses were a pair of over-priced disasters through which I could neither see nor play Neil Simon .
17 Pink-eyed and lachrymose , I returned to the lens boutique in the Earls Court Road ( on the cornea , actually ) and complained bitterly that the lenses were a pair of over-priced disasters through which I could neither see nor play Neil Simon .
18 The drop down to half-moon Rhossili Bay below me was almost sheer , and the sea was striped with shimmering blue and white as endlessly long parallel lines of surf moved in slow motion towards the expanse of sand , on which I could just make out a few figures as tiny specks .
19 It had a red and yellow band on which I could just read the word Cubana .
20 There was a twitch in my left cheek which I could n't control .
21 You conduct it without the score in front of you , which I could n't do any more as I am far away from the work .
22 There was some sort of monitor with dials which I could n't make head nor tail of , two drip stands with tubes — one lot going up her nose , the other into her arm — and her right leg was coated in plaster and suspended in mid air by a pulley contraption on which the Spanish Inquisition probably held the patent .
23 This teacher was always making me sit on his knee , and when he asked me questions like ‘ What is the square root of five thousand six hundred and seventy-eight and a half ? ’ , which I could n't answer , he tickled me .
24 Erm which I could n't have managed without them .
25 A ten For the next hour I took delivery of many additional purchases , the vast majority of which I could n't remember purchasing .
26 Finally , he turned to me and asked a question , repeating it twice , in the same jumble of words and sounds which I could n't understand .
27 And the handout I 've got here which I could n't tie in just now when I was trying to do the deduction is because the rates are very slightly different .
28 ‘ I just thought there might be a fifty-quid banknote in that envelope , but there was only a letter , which I could n't read , anyway , it was in a foreign language .
29 well Jessica I forked out a fiver for your birthday which I could n't afford how would you like to be a thousand pound overdrawn ?
30 There was a strange sort of hissing in the bracken to the west which I could n't put a name to .
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