Example sentences of "which [modal v] to be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And , further , the equitable doctrine of Conversion operates , treating as done that which ought to be done , to effect a notional conversion in equity of the land into the proceeds of sale .
2 ‘ Well , I 'll tell ye — nine hundred and ninety-nine of them are glued to the Holy Writ of Economic Theory ; the remaining one , which ought to be fixed on Ireland , is blind . ’
3 It enables a voice to be given to interest groups which ought to be heard and , possibly , even exercise influence but which otherwise would lack a sufficient say in the affairs of the nation .
4 the House of Lords must give leave on the basis that the case is one which ought to be heard by the House .
5 The defendant will have to explain his default and satisfy the court that he has a defence or counterclaim which ought to be heard .
6 He said , ‘ It is possible to bypass the censor which normally filters the impulses deriving from our subconscious , and let out things which ought to be kept in .
7 Chicherin believed not only that serfdom was immoral but also that it was acting as a brake on the economy , that it could not be justified as a bastion against pauperism , and finally — a somewhat unusual argument — that it entailed the improper transference to the gentry of responsibilities which ought to be exercised by the state .
8 At this juncture I have an experience to relate , perhaps one which ought to be recorded in the Guinness Book of Records .
9 You have needs which ought to be filled and — ’
10 ‘ She said immigration was an issue which ought to be raised because it was going to affect not only employment and social service benefits , but also cause homelessness .
11 For example , in Littlewoods Organisation Ltd v Harris [ 1978 ] 1 All ER 1026 Megaw LJ said : … it is appropriate that a covenant , restricting an employee from full freedom of taking other employment when he leaves his existing employment , should be included in the contract of employment where there is a real danger that the employee will in the course of that employment have access to and gain information about matters which could fairly be regarded as trade secrets ; and that applies even though the information may be carried in his head and even though ( perhaps , particularly though ) it may be extremely difficult for the employee himself , being an honest and scrupulous man , to realise that what he is passing on to his new employers is matter which ought to be treated as confidential to his old employers .
12 In the course of a Second Reading Debate on the contentious Courts and Legal Services Bill in December 1989 , Lord Hailsham spoke scathingly about the fact that the bulk of the proposals arose from within the Government machine , so disregarding ‘ almost every principle of the methodology … which ought to be followed in law reform ’ .
13 As a result , ‘ governmental assemblies , whose chief activities were of the kind which ought to be limited by law , became able to command whatever they pleased simply by calling their commands ‘ law ’ ' .
14 There are many factors which indicate that rehabilitation should become a community-based process into which the hospital facilities can feed , but which ought to be based closer to the patient 's home .
15 Moreover , even at common law a lease which ought to be made by deed but is not will not completely fail of effect , if possession is taken and rent paid under it ; the tenant will be treated as tenant from year to year upon the terms of the lease so far as they are applicable to such a tenancy .
16 In most primary schools certain teachers have , or can acquire , special strengths which ought to be made available , on a rational division of labour , to children outside their class and to their colleagues .
17 When this is translated into personal terms , it means among other things that at some point in his or her career a teacher will have to look at its pattern and will have to pay attention to changes which ought to be made in his or her work-role .
18 Further , the extension of this system might well reach the stage when directives are given from political headquarters as to the line of action which ought to be taken locally .
19 Simple measures such as keeping doors and windows closed , providing adequate containers for odorous material , covering the contents , refrigeration where necessary and the careful disposal of odorous or potentially odorous waste , are just a few preventative measures which ought to be taken in all trades , but particularly so in the animal byproduct industry , where putrescible matter is concerned .
20 My hypothesis is that these varying conceptions in the mind have real psychic and political consequences which ought to be taken into account when considering change strategies in organizations and , more fundamentally , when considering what we mean by the term ‘ quality of working life ’ .
21 However , just as the latter might be thought to have an intuitive grasp of affairs automotive which ought to be taken into account by anyone prone to theorising about the motor car , so it is conceivable that the way theoretical physicists regard the objects of their study might be a factor to be taken into account in assessing their significance .
22 The hotel industry , the entertainment business , and gambling are all facets of tourist facilities which ought to be taken into consideration .
23 Not just truth-telling , but sincerity ; not just intelligibility , but empathy ; these are values which ought to be taken on board .
24 English court procedure at present gives no rights of intervention to third parties ; and it might be argued that if they were significantly extended , this would increase even further the role of the courts in resolving disputes which ought to be settled by political , not legal , means .
25 Claims which ought to be settled rarely improve with delay , the passage of time leading to awards increased by inflation , interest and expenses .
26 This , too , seemed to be a manoeuvre to keep open an issue which ought to be closed .
27 They should identify themselves to a responsible official before entering , except in very rare cases where information which ought to be disclosed in the public interest could not otherwise be obtained .
28 A final point which ought to be considered is whether the doctor may be liable under section 2 in the case that the patient expressing the wish to die is mentally unfit .
29 In this chapter we can only suggest some of the factors which ought to be considered in beginning to think of answers to them .
30 Probably an el well certainly an element which ought to be considered within the umbrella of the R P G but lets
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