Example sentences of "which [modal v] [adv] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Factors which may unduly influence your judgement
2 In fact there are many acts woven into the fabric of our everyday lives which have just such an importance , which may critically influence our relationships with others .
3 ( 6 ) The Panel can also make a report of any wrongdoing to the DTI which may then use its own extensive powers to investigate the matter .
4 Which may indeed save your life .
5 The excluded authors lose a publication , which may adversely affect their academic career .
6 He must submit a budget during the first week in February , which should further clarify his revenue needs and sources .
7 Another who rose to the occasion was the shadow Scottish Secretary , Tom Clarke , whose speech , while a little lacking in vision , was delivered with a verve which must surely silence his critics .
8 It could be argued , I suppose , that by not forcing the issue until your investigations are complete we might actually be helping Ingard shareholders — by clearing up uncertainties which might otherwise damage their interests . "
9 That itself should n't er impose er any greater cost on auditors , but it should , and this is the crucial point I think , it should bolster the ability of auditors to insist that their client companies er are forthcoming and open and where necessary correct if they can er problems which might otherwise bring their authorised status er into question and therefore it is a welcome enhancement of the law , it toughens up the law without imp imposing the costs about which he 's rightly concerned .
10 That will be sufficient to oblige me to choose the inclination which I felt increasing pari passu with intensifying awareness , after which choice there will be no need to go on agonizing over his plight , which might even impair my efficiency as a helper .
11 Even Crump himself might be better meeting his Judgement now , after a life of useful business , than later when the disturbances of retirement — already foreshadowed — would most likely have made him less of a man than he was now , less happy , less useful , perhaps even diminished , by turbulent pettiness , in the very qualities which might now ensure his redemption .
12 Alongside their traditional functions ( which grow ever harder to explain to a public caught up in the excitement of recent developments ) , they offer a general reassurance against unpleasant surprises ; a brake on events which could otherwise outstrip our power to control them .
13 Many runners spend far too much time fretting about what pace they hope to run , or whether to wear gloves , while ignoring more basic details which could eventually affect their even getting to the start .
14 All the East European countries stressed their commitment to the construction of market economies which could eventually replace their existing centralized systems , and all appealed for increased assistance while changes were in progress .
15 Nor could he safely convey tissue to his mouth on such a blade ; which could easily sever his own tongue .
16 It had at last been able to start building a hall of residence which had been in abeyance for six years , and the Director was underlining that student accommodation was in short supply in Teesside , and ‘ unless something is done by the provision of fiats , hostels , etc. , to supplement the supply of digs , I can see this being a factor which could really inhibit our development ’ .
17 First , a number of rules were specified about the use of rewards and punishers and it was suggested that a reward ‘ menu ’ be drawn up for each intervention in order that the child does not become satiated by a single type of reward which could then lose its reinforcing properties .
18 He believed that there was a great fund of benevolent feeling in man which could often counteract his egoism , and that man also possessed a moral sense , to which benevolence appeared with a special and attractive quality of moral goodness .
19 Buses could more effectively operate them when integrated with the rest of the bus network , which would also enhance its profitability .
20 Scientists are now working on a computerised driving system which would automatically keep your car a safe distance behind the vehicle in front and over-ride the driver 's controls in the event of an impending accident .
21 Their use ( down to say , D ) is recommended only to complete the contour of a phrase which would otherwise lose its shape .
22 But while my heart was aching for Estella , I had no idea that I would soon be hit by a disaster which would completely destroy my hopes and dreams .
23 Apart from these relatively rare exceptions in the biographical sources , moreover , one ought to mention a clause contained in the kanun of 1006/1598 whereby kadis without question kasabat kadis are forbidden to become muderrises in the a provision which would effectively block their route to high office in the learned profession .
24 Ten minutes later I was back in the changing-room on my mobile bed wolfing tea and sandwiches , parts of which would eventually find their way into my now polypless colon .
25 Suppressing the divine ire of the Northerner at Southern superciliousness , which would hardly serve his turn at this juncture , Greg said : ‘ The point is , I 've been commissioned by the local rag to write a pamphlet on Walter Machin and his World — ’
26 Ludens found himself watching Marcus , jealously , but with intense curiosity and interest and waiting as for some magisterial dispensation which would mysteriously order his own future , now so completely held in the balance .
27 He was offering her a few days of physical pleasure which would only leave her thirsty for more .
28 The German government is pushing the European Commission for the introduction of a carbon tax , arguing that it should not be dependent on the co-operation of the USA and Japan , which would only postpone its introduction indefinitely .
29 Either send in a large team , which would eventually draw attention to itself ; use a sleeper , which would only cause its own problems ; or call in a loner .
30 It was the sort of part which would often come his way .
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