Example sentences of "which [modal v] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But then again , how is the individual management to know if it happens to be one of those which ought to acknowledge a responsibility to maintain or lower prices , or whether it is one of the lucky ones which can be let off that responsibility ?
2 the chorus , which ought to have a noise like a street drill ) .
3 Among the manifestations of these attitudes are the statements of some defendants in rape trials , which may show an indifference towards the wishes of women , or a belief that the wearing of attractive clothes or an invitation to coffee is a sure sign of willingness to engage in sex ; and the attitudes of some police-officers in the early 1980s , influenced by any one of a number of assumptions about the prevalence of false complaints of rape , about the ‘ typical ’ rape as an attack by a stranger , about the presence of injuries or bruises in ‘ genuine ’ rapes , and so forth .
4 Articles may reveal diversification plans which may mean a company suddenly becomes a potential customer ; advertisements for personnel may reveal plans for expansion , again suggesting potential new business .
5 A new pay deal — which may mean a cut of up to £1 1/2 MILLION — could also head off the growing clamour at Westminster for a Commons inquiry into whether the family gives value for money .
6 The media provide , in Blumler 's words , ‘ the informational building blocks to structure views of the world … from which may stem a range of actions ’ .
7 It can be useful to refer to something you all have in common , which may restore a feeling of harmony .
8 Mr Bond is desperate for the deal to stand , since Bell Resources is crucial to his A$2.5billion brewery deal with New Zealand 's Lion Nathan which may underpin a debt restructuring plan for his entire media , property and brewing group , currently labouring to reduce around A$8billion of debts .
9 As the Lord Chancellor indicated when the Bill was in committee , the provision was deliberately tailored to meet those exceptional cases involving ‘ the sort of invention which may revolutionise a company or perhaps even a whole industry ’
10 I think Stuart is hoping several group members will contribute specific perspectives , each of which may form a chapter of the report , whereas others will contribute through critical assessment of the issues .
11 I think Stuart is hoping several group members will contribute specific perspectives , each of which may form a chapter of the report , whereas others will contribute through an assessment of the issues .
12 No one is ever fully prepared for bereavement , and even if her husband 's terminal illness was one from which she had known he could not hope to recover , his death will still have come as a shock to her which may create a feeling of numbness and unreality : .
13 Intense pain or spasm of the surrounding muscles which may suggest a fracture .
14 They also offer relatively modest time allocations for practical and prevocational subjects in upper primary classes , a feature which may reflect a lack of real conviction by syllabus panels to respond to the political creed that such studies are necessary and profitable for primary level children , but may also be born of a firm realistic assessment of the lack of money and materials to make such studies workable .
15 This year the tee is 15 yards further back , which may preclude a repetition , though no trees have been planted , as was hinted , to prevent the feat .
16 These checks are very important because they can show , for instance , if there are likely to be any difficulties with the birth which may make a Caesarean section necessary .
17 The supervisor must then refer the matter to the court which may make an order cancelling or varying the treatment requirement .
18 In South Uist , a valley called Allt Volagir is considered to lie on a north — south trending fault , which may represent an off-set of the Outer Hebrides Thrust .
19 The parts of the world — the Third World — which may suffer a loss , real or relative , as a result are generally estimated to have a debt of $1300 billion .
20 From a non-evolutionist standpoint , however , the problems that can be posed concerning the state , within a Marxist conception , are limited to the following : the formation of the state as a consequence of a structural transformation of primitive communal societies ( so far as these can be properly located and studied ) ; the types of state which correspond with determinate , historically realized , modes of production , and the conditions which produce a transition from one type to another ; and in the case of capitalist society , the structural characteristics , including the contradictions , which may effect a transition to another ( unknown ) type of society .
21 A monosyllable which may precede a noun .
22 ( This means that the user sees ‘ primitive ’ spatial operations and not a whole spatial problem which may involve a sequence of primitive operations ) .
23 For this a vast army of personnel is needed , working at different levels of generality — some dealing , at the ‘ sharp end ’ , with the actual , detailed discharge of functions ‘ on the ground ’ , others , at progressively higher levels , discharging coordinating or supervisory functions , which may involve an element of policy-making or , higher still , primarily concerned with overall general policy .
24 If she responds favourably to this ( which , if you are wise , you will have conveyed more through your attitudes than your actual words ) , you and her other helpers should try to create various circumstances or events which may stand a chance of helping her to break the habit of mourning : an interesting holiday , perhaps , or some new and mildly challenging experience which calls for her to look beyond herself to someone else in trouble , who will make her feel ‘ needed ’ .
25 Possible mechanisms which may explain an increase in colonic cell proliferation caused by bile acids , include effects on prostaglandin synthesis , arachidonic acid release , and protein kinase C activity .
26 The oxygen linkages between the sugar rings remain the vulnerable links in the cellulose molecule which may reach a length of several hundred glucose units .
27 The eruption of highly viscous lava , such as that formed by the degassing of rhyolite or andesite , can create large domes which may reach a height of several hundred metres and a width of several kilometres .
28 In time , however , they may learn to cope and discover a great deal in the child they have raised , which may lead a life which is no less happy , but just ‘ different ’ to that of others in some ways .
29 Clashes of ideology will be a primary cause of conflict in organisations , whether related to work and the organisation itself ( eg. ideologies of the relationship between manager and worker , about the value of work etc ) or to non-work factors ( eg. political , religious or cultural ideologies which may bring an individual into conflict with others ) .
30 The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to a hitherto generally unobserved feature of the parallelistic couplet in Hebrew poetry , a feature which may offer a point de départ for a revised perception of the nature of the parallelistic couplet as such .
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