Example sentences of "which [be] [adj] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 There are a few exceptions amongst the sea slugs which are herbivorous belonging to the Aplysia family and commonly called sea hares .
2 The final automatic conversion is for Lotus 1–2–3 files which are first converted to DIF files by Lotus ' own WKSDIF utility and then treated in the same manner as DIF files .
3 It 's a job that requires endless flexibility and calls upon David 's earlier experiences in the worlds of sport , marketing and publishing , which are all put to good use .
4 This project addresses four such questions , which are all addressed to a particular case study , the Forth Estuary and catchment in central Scotland .
5 Secondly , the decisions must be about units which are self-contained according to the problem definition .
6 For 1993 , LVMH 's objective is to continue to improve its operational efficiency in conditions which are likely to continue to be difficult , and to pursue investment opportunities which will underpin its long-term development strategy .
7 The persistently troublesome problems and the large spot discharges are the pollutions which are likely to come to agency attention .
8 He argued that to implement a ‘ Non-Alignment Pact ’ in a civil war between an incumbent government supported by one Great Power and insurgents supported by another Great Power ‘ a coalition government must be formed comprising those elements of both Government and insurgent forces which are prepared to come to a compromise and work together in the context of non-alignment ’ .
9 In Stages IX and X more of Boyd 's ( NI LP ) and Ferguson 's ( Alliance ) votes which were transferable went to UPNI than to SDLP in the proportion of approximately 2 to 1 .
10 Thus a document which is first brought to the purchaser 's notice after the contract is made will not incorporate into the contract terms printed on the document .
11 Microsoft 's attempts to increase usability have worked well , producing a package which is easy to get to grips with and fun to use .
12 Also at the United Nations , the President called on the Soviet Union to reduce its stocks immediately to 20 per cent of the current US arsenal , which is unofficial estimated to be 30,000 tons .
13 A newly created ethical committee is to meet soon to draw up guidelines for WWF International 's investment committee , which is likely to agree to a large-scale transfer of funds .
14 Moving from left to right this establishes the proportion of each student registered on a field which is likely to contribute to each subject area 's FTE in each stage ( b , c ) , sets this against current FTEs ( agreed in the 1 November census — after some major ‘ servicing ’ arrangements are allowed for ; for example a high proportion of Stage I accounting is taught by staff from the catering fields ) ( a ) , and adds the likely effect of recruitment targets and combinations for September 1988 ( ij ) , to produce an FTE prediction for the next year ( m ) .
15 The loan items will be transported to Edinburgh on Thursday 4 March , using the Library 's own vehicle , which is purpose-made to conform to the National Security Advisor 's guidelines .
16 The talk was that those good enough to pass the special high standards required by the regiment , would receive wings and special regalia , which was sure to appeal to the ladies .
17 The Committee Office at Westminster said that all members of the committee , which was due to return to Britain last night , were taking part in the visit .
18 Experience of recession in the 1980s has redirected our attention to a longer-term temporal pattern in economic events , which was first applied to nineteenth century international change .
19 Indeed the basic telegraphic equations were ‘ … in their simplest form … first given by Lord Kelvin in 1855 ’ .6 Another of Kelvin 's achievements was development of the concept of inductance , the practical importance of which was first brought to the attention of engineers by ‘ … the problems experienced in … the Atlantic cables ’ .7
20 Israeli officials have maintained that solitary confinement is necessary to prevent Mordechai Vanunu from other inmates and to prevent him from revealing further classified information , including details of his abduction , which was illegal according to international law .
21 After some discussion the Lord Chancellor directed that the money was to be put into the hands of trustees nominated by the committee , or else paid to the Accountant-General — which was likely to lead to added expense .
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