Example sentences of "which [pron] [be] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Yet I am so much under the spell of your witchery I might have viewed parson 's mousetrap with a kindly eye were you the bait — and not the false promises with which I am to be lured .
2 My father travelled to Nairobi by way of Mega , Moyale , Marsabit , Laisamis and Nyeri , all places with which I was to be familiar some fifty-five years later .
3 She left elementary school at fourteen to take a job filling seed packets for five shillings a week ; later she worked for a draper and subsequently for the Co-op , where she joined the union movement of which she was to be a lifelong member .
4 She left Queen 's in 1850 and it was in that year that she founded the school of which she was to be head for forty years , the North London Collegiate School for Ladies , which opened in the Buss Camden Street house on 4 April 1850 with thirty-five pupils .
5 They argued about which one was to be used .
6 The first two keywords , HCFILES and HCSPACE , define the initial parameters for all hard copy runs ; the remaining three , HCSET , HCMAP and HCTRANSTAB define the format of the pages and should always be entered together in a group for each charge code for which there is to be a hard copy run .
7 From being a comprehensive Weltanschauung , in which there were to be found , according to Gramsci , all the elements that are needed for the construction of a new ‘ integral civilization ’ , it has come to be regarded by many thinkers as a much more limited and tentative body of thought , which is far from being able to predict , in any detail or with any certainty , the future development of society , or to offer anything but the roughest of guides to political action .
8 The episode raises the question of whether she actually knew who Mapplethorpe was when she agreed to the V&A being used for an Aids fund-raising event , at which there was to be a slide show of the photographs in the book .
9 They depend on an appropriate display of responsible behaviour , and the circumstances in which they are to be given must be made explicit .
10 These processes turn out to be as widely varying as the tasks upon which they are to be used , and we are therefore only in the very beginning stages of understanding how they combine to predict emerging skills .
11 Such measures are often not independent , for many lawyers advise clients what it is ‘ reasonable ’ to want , and thus supply the criterion by which they are to be judged ( although Rosenthal did construct an independent measure ) .
12 The clearer the goals and the shorter the time in which they are to be achieved , then the greater the cohesion of the group .
13 This manual describes the use of the forms NEWOED1–NEWOED7 and the way in which they are to be completed by the lexicographers in order to request services from either or both of the New OED Computer Group or ( indirectly ) the Computer Services Department .
14 The delicious pork and goose rillettes and rillons of Western France are also close relations of English potted meats — in other words cooked and shredded or pounded meat packed into pots after cooking , as opposed to the pâtés and terrines which are made from raw ingredients cooked directly in the pots or the crust in which they are to be stored and served .
15 Rather than grasping at current structural prescriptions as a solution to all organizational ills , careful thought needs to be given to the full range of their implications , in the particular context to which they are to be applied .
16 Self-indexed files will need little or no prior formatting of the direct access device on which they are to be stored .
17 Furthermore , despite Hurd 's fervent belief that security arrangements must originate from within the Arab world itself , his own hints of what they should be ( which no Arab leader is likely to ignore ) seem to run counter to the practical realities of the world in which they are to be applied .
18 Affidavits should be filed by the applicant at least fourteen days before the hearing at which they are to be used so that the respondent can file his affidavit not later than seven days before the hearing ( r 7.8 ) .
19 Local authorities now have four main sources of funds for capital expenditure : borrowing , which is subject to approval by central government ; capital grants , also from central government , which will specify the purposes for which they are to be used , and the amount the local authority must itself contribute ; capital receipts , from the sale of assets such as land and council houses , though the local authorities must first set aside 50% of these receipts ( 75% in the case of council house sales ) towards repaying their debts ; and ordinary revenue from the Community Charge , etc. , for which the government assumes the local authorities to be accountable to their voters ( CIPFA , 1990 , Chapter 20.3 ; HM Treasury , 1990 , Chapter 21 , Paras .
20 Some are listed adjacent to the term to which they are to be applied and in the form in which they are to be applied in the main list .
21 Some are listed adjacent to the term to which they are to be applied and in the form in which they are to be applied in the main list .
22 Establish the characteristics of the indexing language and the way in which they are to be embodied in the thesaurus or list of subject headings
23 In Figure 7.2 operations are indicated by circles containing code numbers referring to company standards or special instructions and identifying the sequence in which they are to be performed .
24 In Figure 7.2 operations are indicated by circles containing code numbers referring to company standards or special instructions and identifying the sequence in which they are to be performed .
25 For all of them the Passion focuses the terrifyingly destructive forces in human nature and signals the one way by which they are to be rendered ultimately ineffective — a way not isolated in history , but constantly repeated by means of the game of faith .
26 Er , four er if the plaintiffs had been so advised , would they have taken er that way out thereby the contract and fifthly , if the defendants er were in breach of contract and your Lordship decides all those questions in the plaintiff 's favour then er what is the basis on which they are to be awarded damages .
27 Label boxes with details of their contents and the room in which they are to be placed at the new address .
28 The Saturday Review in its now usual vein commented that although they were ‘ all men of various claims to distinction ’ , they hardly appeared competent to examine and assess the baffling array of entries with which they were to be confronted .
29 Winchester city councillor Major Dougie Covill requested that more pressure be put upon the county council to improve the footpaths and pavements which are in a very dangerous condition , and a Broad Street businessman wondered if residents were really aware of the changes going on in Broad Street , and the manner in which they were to be undertaken .
30 Testimony and documentary evidence would , they envisaged , be presented either to the forum court or obtained by Letter of Request in the foreign country in which they were to be found .
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