Example sentences of "'s always a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They 're not the bargains they used to be : a double room will cost from around £35 to £65 a night , but it 's likely to have a four-poster bed , and there 's always a splendid dining room where you can try food of the region .
2 It 's always a great temptation to look around , see what other people are doing or what they have got and want to be like them .
3 As Bates says : ‘ It 's always a great feeling when the team does well .
4 It 's always a good laugh watching him getting increasingly irritated with the interviewer after a humiliating defeat .
5 Oh lovely so brilliant , that 's always a good excuse .
6 Maybe he 'd better go and buy himself a new bike , that 's always a good way to break bits of the human body .
7 And it 's always a good tip for a removal man to get rid of those things first .
8 Her mother said to her , quite seriously , as if this was advice handed down in the family from mother to daughter since time immemorial , her mother said : ‘ It 's always a good idea to keep them on the hop . ’
9 ‘ It 's always a good idea to keep them on the hop . ’
10 It 's always a good idea ti have more than one executor because you do n't know that your executor is going to survive you .
11 And it 's always a good idea to let them think you 've got better enchantments in your armoury than you actually have , if you take my meaning , even if you have n't got any enchantments at all .
12 ‘ It 's always a good idea to have a few castles up there .
13 Erm it 's a very , it 's always a good idea to do a plan , cos yeah , spend five minutes or so planning and jot down a rough plan and it might be that we would , we wo , we would normally ignore , ignore the plan when marking but if , you have n't finished a question and er , it 's a bit thin we might look at your plan to get some idea of what you would actually written
14 and you might get one or two marks from that , so you do n't it 's always a good idea to do a plan .
15 And I do n't think that 's always a good thing . ’
16 Well I think Robert 's , er I mean Robert 's always a good guide on these matters I mean the F
17 The zoo 's always a good place for a few laughs .
18 If you go back erm or let's go back to the second half of the seventeenth century , that 's always a good time to go to erm when erm well it was just after the English revolution , just after the English civil war , the Charles the First had been executed .
19 It 's always a tricky job dosing a hippo .
20 ‘ It 's always a fantastic experience to pull on a Scotland jersey and run out at Murrayfield : I get a tremendous buzz from that , ’ he says .
21 ‘ I do n't agree , and I 'll tell you why : because there 's always a new generation who finds those ideas fresh and new to them .
22 And for the Hattatts there 's always a new challenge :
23 There 's always a hearty soup , such as garlic and cannelli bean or roast pepper and tomato , and plenty of fashionable rabbit food for those who do n't want to fall asleep straight after eating .
24 There is underlying , understanding and theory to this , but of course if you want to read French literature , you 've got to learn the vocabulary ; if you want to do chemistry you 've got to know the elements and what order they come in , and there 's always a certain amount of learning with any subject .
25 " You have to try to go with one thing-so although I do have a large variety of plants , there 's always a certain harmony . "
26 He adds : ‘ These days there 's always a vast gulf between management and the people who own the company . ’
27 There 's always a strong temptation to put off the most difficult task or the least congenial subject .
28 ‘ It 's always a nice day for gardening .
29 It 's always a nice sight to see a line of washing blowing .
30 However , these day trips can be tiring , so there 's always a local sailing option in Bitez bay .
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