Example sentences of "'s all [pron] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 That 's all we 'll end up with if we split the cash . "
2 Yeah oh we loved all the gold furniture and , that 's all we used to do was walk round looking at furniture and things
3 ‘ We 've just got to sit it out ; it 's all we can do . ’
4 ‘ It 's all we can do , Jack .
5 It 's all we can do , and perhaps we 'll really finally be out of it . ’
6 I think that 's , that 's all we can do at the moment and I take your point Mr , thank you .
7 The silly thing is there is no divide on here and the only thing I can suggest really , there is a divide symbol in the computer that we can drag out but to drag it out every time it 's too boring really so I 'll think we use this I do n't like using this , but you see this symbol here , that 's what they really use for divide , so if you do that and a couple spaces , people will learn that that means divide , it 's all we can do really
8 That 's all we can do .
9 It 's all we can do . ’
10 ‘ OK , take him away , that 's all we can do . ’
11 Flowered percale is n't much of a substitute for love , but that 's all we can offer . "
12 I think that 's all we can say at this stage .
13 Well , we are looking at the situation and I think that 's all we can say about that .
14 lorries can you count , one , one , one , that 's all we can count , all we one by big and stout , I clapped my hands , and I jump up jump up and turn around and I jump
15 How many lorries can you count , one , one , one , that 's all we can count , why do n't you jump instead of turning round
16 I 've got an interesting point that I relate about this job that when I went to see them , about starting this job , they said , Well , they never told me before I got in , they said er , We 've er we 've got no money so we ca n't pay you a very good wage , but er we 'll start you off with five pound a week , that 's all we can afford , well I was earning more than that , during the War , nineteen forty two .
17 But it 's all we can get under the door . ’
18 ‘ The name 's all we 'd need , ’ she said .
19 That 's all we 'd need if sex was for the benefit of the species .
20 ‘ Well , that 's all we could fit on the airplane . ’
21 And you know I think that 's all we could do , tackle i ind er with individuals as they came along .
22 The trouble was , that 's all we could do — speculate .
23 That 's all we could do .
24 It 's all we could have hoped for .
25 ‘ That 's all ye can do when things get so bad . ’
26 That 's all they 'll say .
27 That 's all they 'll get is n't it ?
28 that 's all they can do
29 If he had a small pond it used to be was two and sixpence that 's all they used to charge , but of course the other boats , now the boats that used to come from Rotterdam they would n't fill up there and they were Dutch boats , they would n't fill up in water out of the Rhine in Rotterdam , they always wait until they come to Ipswich and got fresh water .
30 That 's all one could say .
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